Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Attacking Pattern of play (Start Time: 2016-07-12 19:45:00)

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Lee Danysz
Name: Lee Danysz
City: Doncaster
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Basic understanding of attacking pattern of play.

Who - makes runs and supports

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Pattern of play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Attacking Pattern of play
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Attacking Pattern of play (60 mins)


18 players maximum, squad practice to develop an attacking pattern of play.

2 teams, 2 GK, 2 defenders, 4 midfielders, 2 attackers.

2 Defenders act as fullbacks when in possession

Full pitch

GK feeds the ball to either of the back 2, who attempt to play to the midfield.

Midfield combines before feeding the attackers. Midfielders then support the attack from behind.

Attackers using movement to show to feet and creating space in behind. 2nd attacker seeing this and making the run in behind. In this instance, midfielders need to support in behind to get numericsal advantage.


Bring full backs in to create over laps and improve movement of wide attacking midfielders.


The aim is to build an attacking pattern of play.

If a player makes a run, knowing to cover, support etc.

I will be looking for overlaps if wide midfielder comes in side, midfield support play when strikers make runs and receive balls.

Defenders splitting when goalkeeper receives the ball

Start unopposed but able to intercept passes, this will allow play to build up. Encourage movement.

Start the session off slow, let players adapt to what we are trying to acheive then progress as needed.

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