Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Midfield Attacking Play

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Oisin Crean

Profile Summary

Oisin Crean
Name: Oisin Crean
City: Bradenton
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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PassingGame 4v0 (10 mins)

Up, Back and ThroughMidfield Play

10 minutes


Introduce up, back andthrough to break lines and advance the ball vertically


15x15 yard area

Key Coaching Points

1) movement of playeronto 'highest line' to recieve from ball carrier

2) ball carrier to playthe highest player

3) identify and make the3rd man run underneath

4) find the free manbetween the lines through setting the ball

5) 'Free man' to breakthe next line and pass forward to target

3 lines of passing:

1) 1st line pass - anypass that takes place infront of the opposition (mannequin) and does not bypassthe opposition player.

2) 2nd line pass - anypass that looks to go 'around' the opposition and 'breaks the line'.

3) 3rd line pass - anypass that goes through opponents and eliminate players ie 'breaking lines'.

Relevant definitions:

Ball carrier - the playeron the ball

Setter - the playerreceiving the ball (usually back to goal). Must move onto 'higher line' toreceive.

3rd man run - the 'freeplayer between the lines'. Identify the decision to make the run.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Midfield Play
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Midfield Play (15 mins)

PassingGame 4v0 (10 mins)

Up, Back and ThroughMidfield Play

10 minutes


Introduce up, back andthrough to break lines and advance the ball vertically


15x15 yard area

Key Coaching Points

1) movement of playeronto 'highest line' to recieve from ball carrier

2) ball carrier to playthe highest player

3) identify and make the3rd man run underneath

4) find the free manbetween the lines through setting the ball

5) 'Free man' to breakthe next line and pass forward to target

3 lines of passing:

1) 1st line pass - anypass that takes place infront of the opposition (mannequin) and does not bypassthe opposition player.

2) 2nd line pass - anypass that looks to go 'around' the opposition and 'breaks the line'.

3) 3rd line pass - anypass that goes through opponents and eliminate players ie 'breaking lines'.

Relevant definitions:

Ball carrier - the playeron the ball

Setter - the playerreceiving the ball (usually back to goal). Must move onto 'higher line' toreceive.

3rd man run - the 'freeplayer between the lines'. Identify the decision to make the run.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4+3
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PositionalGame 4v4+3 (10 mins)

Activity Duration 15mins: 3x5min blocks



Block 1: 2 touch

Block 2: Score by playingoff end player with 3rd man run and pass

Block 3: Score with up,back and through

Objective - possession topenetrate

Progression: as above

Key Coaching Points

Coach Reflection

Directors Comments

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 Football Conditioning

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v4 Football Conditioning
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4v4 Football Conditioning

FBConditioning 4v4 (20 mins)

FB conditioning


2 x 6x 1:1min


1) 2 touch exercise:receive front foot, 1st touch ball out of your feet to break the line of themannequin then pass & follow

2) Body position toreceive: start on mannequin, check out, open up, receive on front foot movingFORWARD with 1st touch

Key Coaching Points

1) speed of play, matchspeed with passes

2) change of direction toreceive. check out and quickly brake and move forward on to ball

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button