Bill Altieri
Name: | Bill Altieri |
City: | Duxbury |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up a small goal suitable for the size/age of your keeper with 4-6 cones on either side.
Fast feet through the cones, both feet landing between each one. After you get through the cones enter the goal and get into the set postion, then save a shot hit at you. After making the save throw the ball back if you have held it and then go through the second set of cones on the opposite side of the goal.
Use different footwork activities through the cones.
1- hit a low shot across the goal towards the second set of cones.
2- hit a medium height shot
3- hit higher shots.
Coaching Points:
Keep head up.
Keep hands up whilst moving through the cones.
Get into the set position when in the goal.
Use quick small steps to move through the cones.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Set up a small goal that is suitable for the players you are working with. Have 4-6 cones on either side of this goal plus 4-6 cones out in a line infront of the same goal. Add an extra small goal at the front of the line of cones heading towards the coach.
Fast feet over or through the cones then enter the goal and get into the set position. Making a low diving save to start with in the first goal. Then get up and move quickly through the cones towards the coach, enter that goal and get into the set position and save a shot that is hit at you either in the air or on the floor.
1- hit a medium height shot in the first goal then a low shot into the second goal.
2- hit a low shot into the first goal and a medium shot into the second goal.
3- hit a shot at them in the first goal and either a low or medium shot in the second goal.
4- hit a higher shot in the first goal and either a low or medium shot in the second goal.
Coaching Points:
Quick small steps through the cones.
Get into the set position when in the goal.
Keep hands up when moving through the cones.
Move both hands together towards the ball.
Keep head up when moving through the cones.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Using 1 goal, each keeper rotates in after each shot. The other keepers wait for their turn or collect balls.
The working keeper stands facing 90* away from the coach. On command they turn and moving quickly across the goal to save the shot. If they move their feet quickly enough they will be able to get their body behind the ball and save easily, so encourage good pick up techniques. Make diving saves when required. Start with low shots.
1- increase the height of the shots
2- if they spill the ball try to score rebounds.
Coaching Points:
Turn in 1 step.
Keep hands up when turning so that they are in a good position to react to the ball.
Use quick small steps when moving to start with then have a longer impulse step to start the dive.
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Using 1 goal. Each keeper rotates after each shot or sets of shots. The remaining keepers collect balls or wai for their turn.
The goalkeeper starts closer to one post so that one side of the goal is larger than the other. In the larger side of the goal shots are hit higher so that they can have 1 or 2 quick steps followed by their inpulse step to push them towards the ball. In the smaller side of the goal shots are hit low, encouraging them to only take the impulse step to push them towards the ball. If the ball is rolled or bounced down the middle the keeper has to come and slide out to collect it.
Coaching Points:
Decision making, do I need to dive or can I get there in a couple of steps.
Move both hands at the same time towards the ball.
Set out towards the ball during impulse step.
Use small steps to move around the goal then a larger impulse step at the start of the dive.
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm up (10 mins)
Set up a small circuit with a speed ladder and 8-10 cones to get your keepers warmed up and mobile.
The players move through the speed ladder with 1 foot landing in each section. They then go over the first line of cones facing towards the coach. When they enter the final set of cones they move forwards and backards through them so that they are alway facing forward.
Use different combinations through the speed ladder.
Coaching Points:
Keep hands up at set position height.
Move with quick small steps.
Try to look forawrds as much as possible as this is where the ball would normally be coming from.