Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): Agility Session

Profile Summary

Matthew Crowell Centre Manager
Name: Matthew Crowell Centre Manager
City: Soccer5s Tuggerah
Country: Australia
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up
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Learning Objectives


Warm up (10 mins)


To ensure that players are physically and mentally ready for the session

Start with a lap of field with the coach to get the blood flowing

Cirlce- Dynamic Stretching

Players form a circle starting in nice and close. Players then jog away from the centre maintaing the circle shape

On the way back in players perform the stretch e.g. heels up, knees up, side to side, open/close the gate (groin stretch), high kicks (hamstring stretch) etc.

Once finished players should be warmed up and ready to start the session


Finish with some juggling to continue to develop close control ensure players are focused

Challenge the players to better their record

Ensure players are using both feet

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility 1
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Agility 1


To improve players explosive power, agility and speed

General Information

Players always start the activity from the red gate

At the end of the activity players accelerate to the white cone

Players will continue in an anti clockwise direction for four minutes

It is important players focus on doing the activity with sharp and explosive movements

Activity 1

Player starts at gate 1

The player runs up the the first hoop

On one foot the player hops through the hoops in a zig zag motion without changing the foot

At the second set of hoops the player hops on the same foot and follows the pattern that is shown next to the hoops

The second time around the player swaps feet

Activity 2

Players start at gate 2

Players run through the ladder placing one foot in each square

Players should focus on maintaining balance and control whilst moving at speed

The activity can be developed so that players step in each square twice

Activity 3

Players start at gate 3

Players run up to the first hurdle and perform a two footed jump over each of the hurdles (kangaroo bounds)

Players need to focus on jumping of of both feet and exploding over the hurdle

Forward speed is not as important as performing each jump with power

Activity 4

Player starts at gate 4

The aim of this drill is for players to shift their weight from one foot to the other, pause, get their balance and then transfer their weight to the other foot. They continue this through all the poles

The pause is important because it requiresplayers to focus on and develop their balance

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility 2
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Agility 2


To improve players explosive power, agility and speed

Continue to improve players ball mastery

General Information

Players always start the activity from the red gate

Players will continue in an anti clockwise direction for four minutes

It is important players focus on doing the activity with sharp and explosive movements

Activity 1

Player starts at gate one with a ball

The player dribbles in and out of the poles

At the last cone the player takes a touch and shoots into the small goal

Activity 2

Player starts at Gate 2

He then tries to pass ball into a target attached to the Fence.

Activity 3 & 4

The player plays a 1 - 2 with the coach at gate four

The player then passes the ball through the first hurdle and jumps over it, takes a touch to get the ball back under control and then repeats the activity through the second hurdle. The player then shoots into the small goal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Learning Objectives


Game (10 mins)


Develop player's positional awareness in a game

Introduce the number system that represents different positions

Continue to develop the skills worked on throughout the session


Small sided game with players given a position

Players are encouraged to continue to develop the skills worked on during the session- passing, dribbling and receiving the ball

Key Points

Encourage players to hold their positions and not follow the ball

Stop the game to highlight points where players could be using skills worked on throughout the session


To encourage players to pass the ball goals can be awarded for 3 consecutive passes

Reward skill moves with a point e.g. a point for beating a player with a step over

Encourage players to place or pass the ball when shooting to increase accuracy

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button