Hockey Session (Under 16s): East U15 Dev 25 Feb Skills Focus Session (Start Time: 2022-02-25 17:00:00)

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R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
Name: R&J Hockey R&J Hockey
City: Cape Town
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Hockey
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Focus on tackling skills - steals, jabs and shaves 

Move as quickly or slowly as your group needs to move

Goalkeepers have 40 minutes to work on skills, this includes warm up - Molly, maybe some smothering/closing down skills? When to come out and close down?

Each quarter runs its own warm-up, please? Reminder this means LOTS of movement, LOTS of engagement, LOTS of touches of the ball for ALL players

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tackling Skill Session

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Tackling Skill Session
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Tackling Skill Session (20 mins)

Forehand Steal and Jab Tackle

Show Forehand skill - focus points: playing the ball, using body to cut off opposition, turning to ball protect

Players practice in pairs with tackle box

P1 with ball, P2 next to them. Start together and P2 tries to steal ball.

As soon as players are comfortable with how the skill feels, bring them in and go through the JAB tackle

Let them work on that in pairs again

Stronger group may move on quicker - add in a shave tackle 

Add in competition of a Tacklebox. Players try to keep ball and defending player tries to win it

Progress: 2v1 

1 passes to 2 who drives forward

1 holds inside line to keep 2 wide, 3 tracks back and steals ball from 1 on forehand

3 & 1 take on 2 to try score in G, if trailing defender can win back ball, they try to score through D

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 1

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 1
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Game 1 (15 mins)


Each team has a turn to attack from 6 balls

Balls are set up on both side-lines at 2 on-field marker points (old long corner mark and 16 yd mark) with 2 final balls thrown in by coach from behind baseline. 

One team attacks for 2 rounds and then swaps to defend (if 3rd team, each team only attacks for 1 round and rotates in)

Attacking team can take sideline free hit from any side in any order

Points awarded for steals, shaves and jabs to defending team IF they manage to steal ball and drive into the corner zones or pass to their player in that zone

Attacking team gain points through goals, winning PCs in the D and, if the lose the ball then steal it back and have a shot/PC then they get points also

Normal Hockey Rules apply! Feet in the D, Ball must move 5m before going into the D (self pass, long/short pass etc), bad tackles etc

Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 2

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Hockey Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game 2
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Game 2 (15 mins)


Points scored for successful steals, shaves, jabs

For larger group, team that is off keeps score for the teams playing. After 4 minutes, change teams. Make sure lots of rotation

Each game will have Challenge Cards and a player from each team chooses a card for their team and both teams must implement that card challenge while playing their 4 minutes. Team on sideline also has a card to implement when they come on the pitch

Each Game will also have Reflection Cards. When the teams come together for feedback, they must select a reflection card and share with the group. They'll hate it, but so what! haha

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