Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Movements (Start Time: 2020-11-14 12:15:00)

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David Scarth

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David Scarth
Name: David Scarth
City: Aberdeen
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Block 2, week 3


We have to get used to having forward movements around the goal, forward to narrow an angle, hands forward, diving forward and moving forward. This weeks session will take this theme on board and test what we can do


Malls (4 & 5)

Large cones


Ball launcher

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set position

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Set position
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Learning Objectives

Positioning; Shape; Catching; Forward stance; Contant set position
Regaining position; Securing the ball; Awareness
Balance; Movements; Reactions
Commitment; Attitude;
Personal preparation; Demands on the body

Set position (10 mins)

Set position               (Pairs)

1 ball and marker per pair


To try and get the GK's to get their set position correct and quickly


The GK will start on the marker and facing to one side. On command, he will turn in towards the ball and forward in order to set as quickly as possible. The set position has to be correct and the coach will make corrections:

  • Legs shoulder-width apart
  • Heels off the ground in order to help with the 'forward' stance
  • Not standing on toes - has to be the balls of the feet
  • Knees slightly bent and the body upright to give a 'larger' stance
  • Feet, knees, hips, chest and head all pointing towards the ball
  • Arms and hands out in front of the GK with the hands in the 'centre of the circle' showing palms to the ball
  • Eyes watching the ball all the way into the hands
  • Correct catching techniques for the position of the ball ('c' or 'w' catch)

Coaching points all as above

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step in

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step in
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Learning Objectives

Footwork; Correct set position; Watching the ball; Timing
Decision making; Movements; Securing the ball
Movements; Balance; Relaxation
Courage; Confidence; Learning
Hobbies; Desire

Step in (10 mins)

Step in       (pairs)

1 ball per pair


To give the GK confidence moving into the ball to receive it


The GK will start on a red marker (a). On command, he will turn in towards the ball and take the step forward and set (b). As the ball is fed towards him the GK is to step into the catch and secure the ball (c).

Progression: Ideally we would want both feet moving forward and another set position assumed before the catch is made

Coaching points:

  • The GK is making controlled and balanced movements
  • The set position is secure and correct
  • Positive step in towards the ball

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forward Dive

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forward Dive
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Learning Objectives

Forward diving; Control; Receiving the ball; Movements
Balance; Body Shape; Securing the ball
Balance; Movements; Stamina; Rising to feet
Commitment; Confidence; Decision making; Self control
Team spirit; Fair play; Confidence

Forward Dive (20 mins)

Forward Dive   (Pairs)

red markers x 2 (Per pair)



To give the GK confidence diving forward to secure a ball


The GK will start on a red marker (a). On command, he will turn in towards the ball and take the step forward and set (b). The coach will feed the ball in and we want to see the GK diving forward in order to secure it (c).

  • Small step into the dive
  • Forward movement over the top of the knee
  • Arms outstretched looking for the ball
  • Correct hand position in order to secure the ball
(both sides to be worked)

Progression: Mid-height and ground balls should be delivered. 

Coaching points:

  • The GK is making controlled and balanced movements
  • The set position is secure and correct
  • Positive step in towards the ball
  • Moving over the knee and not falling into a backwards dive. 
  • Arms outstretched and reaching for the ball
  • Cutting the ball off at a 90 degree angle

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement (1)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement (1)
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Learning Objectives

Set position; Balance; Forward stance; Forward diving
Movements; Ability to secure the ball; Watching the ball into the hands;
Agility; Balance; Strength; Repetition
Attitude; Confidence; Awareness

Movement (1) (25 mins)

Movement (1)     (3 groups)

2 x large cones

1 large hurdle



To start everyone off with moving in towards the ball as it is travelling towards them


The GK will start on his line sitting down, facing forward and in-line with the ball. On command, the GK will rise to his feet and perform a 2 footed take-off & landing, as soon as he lands the coach will feed the ball in and the GK is to catch this without moving backwards, this is going to force the GK to stop and set immediately as he lands from his jump (x3)

Progression (p):

The coach will feed the ball off towards each side (x3) and the GK will dive forward in order to cut off the path of the ball and secure. (Both sides to be worked)

Ground & mid saves to be worked

Coaching Points:

  • The set position has to be forward - no use standing on the heels!!
  • All movements MUST be forward
  • The GK has to be reaching forward for the ball and then taking it into his body
  • The finishing position should have the GK's chest pointing towards the position of the striker

Coaches must ensure there is enough distance so that the GK has enough time to react to the ball and move forward

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement (2)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Movement (2)
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Learning Objectives

Technical Technical
Control, Movements; Catching; Forward diving; Moving the ball away from the goal; Weak foot work
Technical Tactical
Using the weak foot; Positioning; Quick balls;
Technical Physical
Movements; Balance; Forward balance; Stamina; Rising to feet
Technical Psychological
Commitment; Making the right decisions; Pressure; Mental Preparation
Technical Social
Personal preparation; Healty lifestyle; Mental health

Movement (2) (20 mins)

Movement (2)    (2 groups)

Large cones x 2

Balls x 5

Markers x 6


To have the GK making a variety of movements throughout the drill but accuracy is needed


The GK will start on his line and facing forward. On command, he will move out to the 1st marker and the coach will take a shot on goal (to any position)

The GK will rise from this shot and move over the goal to the 2nd marker where he will have to perform a 1-2 with him on the foot the ball is played to, from this, the GK will move over the goal again and once he has set, another shot is played. .... Repeat......

service: shots to any position but the angle is always going to change as the GK always sets on or near the marker {coach to ensure that he is in-line}

Progression: clipped shots and difficult pass backs can be used

Coaching points:

  • Correct set positions are a must
  • Fast, balanced movements must be used throughout
  • Early eyes on the ball in order to get into the correct position

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forward / Shooting Drill

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Forward / Shooting Drill
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Learning Objectives

Footwork; Positioning; Perception; Fowr
Securing the ball; Regaining position; Speed
Balance; Speed; Movements; Fatigue
Winning mentality; Patience; Self control; Determination
Peers; Wanting to succeed; Being the best

Forward / Shooting Drill (20 mins)

Forward         (2 groups)  

2 x large cones



For the GK's to continue to make forward movements but to remember to set properly even when under pressure


The GK will start on his line and in the centre of the goal. On command, he will move over to his near post and deal with the ball played over the goal from c1. 

As soon as this ball is away the GK will rise to his feet and move over his goal in order to set in order to deal with the shot from c2 (Initially the GK MUST be given time to move & SET prior to the shot coming in. Coaches must ensure that this is happening

service:  (c1) across goal - ground & mid

     (c2) shot to any position in the goal

progression / shooting drill: c2 does not have to give the GK the chance to set and there will also be a further shot from (p) just before the GK gets into position

Coaching points:

  • The GK is moving at speed and getting set as early as possible, weight has to be forward and positioning correct
  • Movements are positive and early eyes are on the next incoming ball and not looking at the ground
  • The GK is moving forward but is he aware of his goal position (in order that he does not move too far forward)

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