Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): SAQ (Technical Development)

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Am-Club: Stars Premier

Toby Tenenbaum

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Toby Tenenbaum
Name: Toby Tenenbaum
City: New York
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ
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SAQ (25 mins)

NY Stars Premier SAQ Session:

1: Sequence of ladder drills and fast footwork drills

2: Plyometrics. 2 foot jumps, single foot jumps, jump and hold/proprioception

3: Pole work. Slalom forwards & Backwards. Face one way fprwards & backwards.

4: Finish with an explosive sprint. Recover.

Positive mental imagery can be implemented into the practice as players are working through the SAQ stations. i.e. think about defending a famous professional player as you manouvre your feet and hips through the poles backwards then turn and sprint through station 4 as if you are running side by side with an opponent.

Key Coaching Points:

Firstly, focus on the correct technique and posture, then build up to a comfortable tempo. When you have a feel for the technique test yourself by increasing the speed at which you are working.

-Fire & Ice through the laddwer drills, fast feet cool brain. Rhythm. Good posture

-Composure, explosive power and rhythm through the hurdles. Good posture

-Balance and agility through the poles. Adjust feet to slalom quickly and efficiently. Good posture

-Explosive sprint to finish. Feel powerful, balanced and focused

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ & Technical Practice

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SAQ & Technical Practice
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SAQ & Technical Practice (20 mins)

NY Stars Premier SAQ & Technical Practice

The Head Coach calls out a number from 1 to 4 and the player in the center of the four cones has to either move forwards or backwards while still facing the coach, touch the cone with the assigned number, and move back to the center as quickly as possible and await the next number. A series of numbers will be called for 20 to 30 seconds. Each player has to maintain a forward facing position and adjust their feet at speed to get to each cone and back. It is a reactive, psychological and defensively technical practice.

To progress the session we add the number 5 which incorporates a ball into the practice. When the number 5 is called the player will execute either a volley, pass, header, laces volley, two touch with pass etc. The condition for that number will be set by the Head Coach

Key Coaching Points:

-Posture when moving forwards and backwards towards the numbered cones.

-Reaction time from when the number is called.

-Get out to the cone and back to the center as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

-Adjustment of feet at a high tempo to ensure a smooth balanced movement.

-Execution of technique when number 5 is called.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG & GRP

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG & GRP
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SSG & GRP (40 mins)

NY Stars Premier Game Related Practice (GRP) OR SSG

4v4 SSG with spare man/floating player.The floating player has to play to the team that gives him the ball. Start point is with the coach in the first phase of the SSG.

Toprogress the session, the condition will be taken off the spare man, and he can play to anybody at any time. So if white passes to the spare player, the spare player can then play to orange if they wish. The focus as the spare man is to test both the orange and white team players.

Key Coaching Points:

-Always stay alert when in and out of possession.

-Focus on good movement and accurate passing.

-The aim for both teams is to be tactically astute defensively and cretive and intelligent offensively.

-The role of the spare player is to test both teams while executing clever passes to create goal scoring opportunities and to keep possession.

-Clever movement. Chek away to then drop deep for a pass. Cross overs and intelligent lateral movement to unsettle defenders.

-Defenders communicate to keep balance. All four players on each team need to be constantly engaged in the practice.

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