Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Training Session ETP Co. Wicklow U12 @ 3rd Oct 2021

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

Michele Canosa

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Michele Canosa
Name: Michele Canosa
City: Aughrim
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pressing Game
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Pressing Game (10 mins)

Duration: 10 min

Playing area divided in 7 boxes mesurements: 6box 7x7mt + 1box 10x10mt

Players divided in 7 groups of 3 + 1 group of 5 players.

One of the player has to wear a bib and plays in the middle in a situation of 2v1

The other two players have to pass the ball to eachother avoiding that the player in the middle touches the ball.

NB: the group of 5 players play 3v2

Every ball the defender touches gets one point.

If the defender has been dribbled he loses one point.

Swap players every 3 minutes.

At the end of the game the players with more point wins the game.

CONDITION: Maximum 3 touches

Focus Coaching Points:
Tecnics of passing
Controlling with both feet
High tempo
Accuracy of passes
Creating and using space

Pressure of the defender on strikers

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Shooting Game
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Shooting Game (20 mins)

Duration: 15 min


3 goals palced like in the picture

3 goalkeepers
20 outfield players divided in 4 groups of 5

16 Small cones

8 bigger cones


Place a big cone in the 4 corners of the playing area

Place 4 small cones in a row 5mt away from big cone and 1mt away from eachother

Place another big cone 5mt away from the last of the small cones

Every player has to have a ball

Players have to start from the corner and dribble the small cones using both feet 

After having dribbled the last of the small cones the player has to go around the big cone at the center of the playing area as fast as he can and shoot in one of the targets available without stopping the ball

Focus Coaching Points:
Dribbling with both feet
Accuracy of shooting

Shoot first intention without stopping the ball

High tempo

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Game
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Possession Game (25 mins)

Duration: 25min

Full Pitch divided in 2 playing area. A and B.
Every playing area divided in the middle.

No goalkeepers required

Players divided in 2 groups of 10 players: Group A: Anthony & Group B: Louise.
Every group is divided in 2 teams:

Group A: 

RED: Chriss, Brooke, Aaron, Ryan, Alex vs BLUE: Shane, Tommy, Milo, Cian, Failim

Group B:

RED:Harry, Richard, Samuel M., Tristan, Samuel C. vs BLUE: James, Robbie, Seb, Kale, Patrick, .

Red Team start. The team with the ball have to do 3 passes in their half pitch before they can bring the ball to the other half.
Once the ball has been passed to the other half pitch the same team can score in target.
Maximum 3 players for every team can play in every half pitch.
If the blue team wins the ball they have to bring the ball back to their own half, then they have to do 3 passes before they can go and score in the little 2 goals made by cones.


Maximum 3 touches.

Maximum 3 players in every section of the pitch

Focus Coaching Points:
Making and use of the space
High tempo
Accuracy of passes
High Pressure on play maker

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button