Tyler Moreira
Name: | Tyler Moreira |
City: | Milton |
Country: | Canada |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
Zone Play
3 zones, 10 x 20
12 balls - with the coach on the middle
- 3 zones, middle grid is the defending grid
- 1 ball is played in to the outter grid (ex. Blue)
- Blue looks to complete 3 passes (to start) before being able to look up to switch the ball into the opposing third (Black)
- 1 completion of a switch = 1 point
- Defending team sends one player into defend
- If the defending team wins possession or ball goes out of bounds, the attacking team becomes the defending team, and the two switch out
- Limit the touches in the grid - 2-3 touches max per player
- (Forcing them to play quick and make quicker decisions)
Coaching Points
- Looking to have limited touches on the ball and look for the opportunity to break the mid-line (gap between the defenders)
- Looking to coach getting the head up, see the option, play it first time (refrain from holding the ball for extra touches)
- Movement off of the ball - distance of support (10 yards or so)
- Angle of support - not flat, fall off on an angle
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- 3 Grids - A/C - 10 x 20 B - 20x20
- 12 balls on the side
Looking to play through the middle third and transition into attacking third for 2v1
- Grid B - 4v4 - looking to play and create combination play and look for the opportunity to transition to combine with a target player in the attacking zones (A/C)
- Target A/C - each have one target pllayer (red/blue)
- When the players from the B see an opportunity, they look to play target man and join to support for a 2v1 situation to goal ** THEY HAVE 2 OPTIONS TO CREATE A 2V1 - DECISION MAKING - UNDERSTANDING WHERE/WHEN TO ATTACK **
* If no success, add 1 neutral player into grid B*
- Put a limit on the passes (3 passes and the break the line)
- incoporate goalkeepers and look to incorporate a 3 v 1 or 3v2 defending
Coaching Points
- Movement off of the ball - creating space to stretch the opponent and create gaps to break the defending line
- Limiting the touches, taking less touches and having a plan before your next move - (getting the head up, recieving and playing on the 2nd touch)
- Weight of the pass
- Transition - Looking to create the 2v1 opportunity as quick as possible (Speed of transition)
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
- Transition into SSG
Minimal stoppage/Coaching Points
- Focus on incorporating the learning goals from the session
- Seeking opporunities to break the back-line and play through the middle
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Set up
- 1 box 20x20
Dynamic warm up
- Each player with a ball, dribbling
- 1st stage - lots of touches, choosing one part of the foot
- Dribbling inside the space, counting their touches
- 2nd stage - choose a 2nd / 3rd part of the foot - repeat - counting the touches
* Every 1 minute, stop and incorporate physical literacy - dynamic movement - shuffle to the nearest touch-line. Knees up, heels up, backward, etc.
2nd progression
- Inside the same box, select 3 defenders and have the attacking team play a keep-away (possession)
- Focus on the movement off of the ball and limiting touches
* Each time they make a pass, they must run around a cone in the corner and get back into play to support the players *
* Focus on high-intensity- getting the boys energy up *