Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): 5v5 Blocking the Shot

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Carter Robbins
Name: Carter Robbins
City: Greensboro
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Initial Play
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Initial Play

5:30-5:45pm Free Play

5:45-5:55pm Initial Play (introduce topic through CP's & Guided Questions)


Set up: 

- 2 pugg goals & all soccer balls at midfield

- Divide group into 2 teams as they arrive

- 1 team will be NUMBERS UP

Initial Play Reps: 2 x 5 minutes

Introducing Initial Play:

- We are working on blocking the shot

- 2 points for scoring from outside the box on the big goal

- 1 point for any other goal

First Stoppage (5 minutes in):

- Change sides

- CP: Prevent the team from taking a shot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Agility
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Character Development:


Definition: Community is a group of people who live, work, or care about the same place or things. It’s about coming together to help, support, and care for each other. A community can be your neighborhood, school, sports team, or even a group of friends who look out for one another. When everyone in a community works together, it’s stronger and more connected!

Practice 1: What is Community? Why is it important?

Practice 2: How do you show Community in soccer?

Practice 3: Can Community be used at home or school? How?

Practice 4: How can we motivate each other to show Community?

Agility Circuit:

- Set up 10 x 10 boxes. 1 box for every 6-10 players

- Side 1: Ladder

- Side 2: Shuffles / Slides

- Side 3: Accelerations

- Side 4: Hops / Jumps


- 2-3x around for each variation

- Next player in line goes when player reaches first corner

Variations #1

- 1: 2 feet run through

- 2: Side Shuffle right foot forward

- 3: 80% Cruise

- 4: Right foot hops

Variations #2

- 1: Ikki Shuffle

- 2: Side Shuffle left foot forward

- 3: 90% Cruise

- 4: Left foot hops

Variations #3

- 1: sideways - 2 in, 2 out on the right side

- 2: karaoke right foot forward

- 3: Sprint

- 4: Right foot hops sideways on right side

Variations #5

- 1: sideways - 2 in, 2 out on the left side

- 2: karaoke left foot forward

- 3: Backpedal

- 4: Left foot hops sideways on left side

Variations #6

- 1: scissors on the right side

- 2: Forward shuttle 2 and switch sides

- 3: Power skip

- 4: Right foot hops sideways left side

Variations #7

- 1: scissors on the left side

- 2: Backwards shuttle 2 and switch sides

- 3: Power Bounds

- 4: Left foot hops sideways right side

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Defending

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 Defending
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2v1 Defending


Set up: 

- 2 pugg goals & all soccer balls at midfield

- Attacking 2 are trying to score in the goal, and Defender is trying to counter in the 2 pugg goals at midfield

- Reset after. If you have more than 4 players, they can join a line and rotate in

- Play starts on the attacking teams first touch

Reps: 4 x 5 minutes rounds and then rotate attackers and defenders

Introducing the Game:

- We are working on blocking the shot

- 2 points for scoring from outside the box on the big goal

- 1 point for any other goal

First Stoppage (5 minutes in):

- Ask: What is the most important thing to protect? The goal / middle

- CP: Get in between the ball and goal

- Change Attackers and Defenders

Second Stoppage (12 minutes in):

- Ask: As the attacker gets closer to the goal, why is it important to close down the space? Prevent a quality shot

- CP: Close down space as attacker approaches goal

- Change Attackers and Defenders

Third Stoppage (18 minutes in):

- Reminder of the 2 CP's for the topic

- Change Attackers and Defenders

End of Drill Before Final Play:

- Remember we are trying to block the shot

- If you hear me say "challenge the ball", get pressure on the ball to prevent a shot

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Play

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final Play
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Final Play


- 2 points for scoring from outside the box on the big goal

- 1 point for any other goal

- Check for understanding with the questions and coaching points from the topic.

- Stick to the topic to ensure the players understand how it connects to the game

4 Session Cycle:

- Session 1: Small sided mixed with other team sharing field (everyone plays)

- Session 2: Small sided within your own team (everyone plays)

- Session 3: 5v5 against other team sharing field

- Session 4: 5v5 against other team sharing field

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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button