Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Passing Square

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Robert Williams
Name: Robert Williams
City: Newtown
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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I CAN receive the ball 'between the lines' of the opponents defence and midfield

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical practise
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Technical practise (10 mins)

Technical Passing Drill (12 x 12 yd box - 2 balls)

Variation 1 - Pass Set Pass

- Player A passes into player B, Player B sets the ball for player A to pass through to player C. Player A replaces B in the middle, player B follows pass and goes behind player C.

- Player A turns to face D.Player D passes into player A who sets and D passes into player E. Player A follows the ball and D remains in the centre. The sequence continues.

Variation 2 - Pass, Turn and Pass

Player A passes into player B, Player B receives on the half turn and passes to player C. Player A moves into the middle and player B goes behind player C.

- Player A turns to face D.Player D passes into player A who receives on the half turn and passes to player E. D moves into the middle and A moves behind E. The practise continues.

Variation 3 - Passers Choice

- The drill is performed the same as variation 1 and 2. The difference is that the passer must shout 'set' or 'turn' to direct the player in the middle.

Coaching Points

- Check shoulder before receiving the ball

- Check off the cone

- In variation 2 always receive with an open body

- Outside players move away from the cone to force central players to raise their head

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