Futsal Session (Senior): St Mary's University (23/24) Session 4 - 22/09/23 (Charlotte/Kiah) (Start Time: 2023-09-22 20:00:00)

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Luis Melville

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Luis Melville
Name: Luis Melville
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (30 mins)



10 mins

Dynamic Warm Up/Dynamic Stretches

10 mins

Ball work

8 mins game

First 4 mins (Full game, NO GKS, 1 touch finish in the area)

Second 4 mins (Same game but 2 touch max, indirect free kick if 2 touches). GOAL CAN BE SCORED WITH EITHER ONE OR TWO TOUCHES

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): LINE BALL

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): LINE BALL
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LINE BALL (20 mins)


Depending on Numbers

Ideally 4v4 or 3v3.

If you have odd numbers (put in a MAGIC player)


Mark out 2 pitches across the court using the width of the BLUE futsal court.

Each team is attacking their opponents line.

A goal is scored if the team stops the ball, UNDER CONTROL on the line.

The team that scores retains possession, goes back to their own goal line to start again

No Corners

Kick Ins are permitted, normal futsal laws but you cannot score directly from a kick in

If you use a MAGIC player they can score and score 2 goals but anyone else scores one goal.

Progression Part 2

If a team scores, they retain possession but now attack the other goal line and if they score again, they then attack the opposite goal line

Play 2 rounds of 4 mins in Part 1

Play 2 rounds of 4 mins in Part 2

Part 1

Think about the set up, 3-1 with the Pivot high up the court.

Can we use the width and depth of the court to create good passing options to play forward?

Can we play forward and run forward to break defensive lines?

What types of runs can we make to do this? Remember: 'Go and Show' for the ball and 'Show and Go' for the ball.

Part 2

As above but this turns into a fast transition game

Once the team has scored, can they start a counter-attack towards the opposition goal.

Is a forward pass available? How quickly can we stretch the opposition?

Other things to consider:

Types of passes as this will be a tight area: Lifted/Disguised/

Can we block players to create space?

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v0, 2v1

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v0, 2v1
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1v0, 2v1 (10 mins)

3 x 3 mins

  • Focus on 1vGK
  • 2v1
  • Don't do 3v2

Players lined up in the 3 lines.

GK Plays to middle player (Y4) who takes a touch out of their feet with their SOLE. Dribbles to the 10 metres spot and has 1 shot.

Y4 immediately turns to defend and the server, WHITE 1 (other GK or LUMI) throws a ball to PURPLE 2 or 3 and then it becomes a 2v1 and PURPLE's try and score. If the defender wins the ball they can try and play it back to the next YELLOW player waiting in the middle and the game is over. Keep playing until there's a goal or the ball goes out of play. Once finished, the players return to the same line as they started in.

The next 3 do the same.

Play 3 rounds of 3 mins with each group moving to a different position so they have a go in each line.

We need to focus on being better at 2v1's because that is the OVERLOAD that occurs the most in futsal and we struggled a bit on Tuesday.

Focus on receiving skills. Stretching the court. Runs in behind the defender and blocking the defender.


Types of passes: Lifted/disguised

Types of finish: Toe pokes/disguised or fake shots to sit the GK down. LOTS OF POWER. Don't let the GK catch it.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): FULL GAME

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): FULL GAME
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FULL GAME (15 mins)


FOCUS ON 3-1 SET UP from GK (don't let the pivot come to short to receive. Create height) and KICK INS (Stretch The Court)

Out of Possession: Full court press. 


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