Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U12 - Finishing

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Jerome Vivona

Profile Summary

Jerome Vivona
Name: Jerome Vivona
City: Westbury
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up (801)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up (801)
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Warm Up (801) (10 mins)


1. 40 x 40 yard area set up as shown

2. 10x10 boxes set up in area as shown

3 12 players set up as shown

4. 6 balls (Additional around the outside)


1. Players score by forcing their opponent to play the ball outside of the area

2. Players have to strike the ball above head height using the laces only in the their marked out area

3. The next player then waits for the ball to bounce before striking the ball back up in the air

4. If the ball bounces outside of the marked area, a point is awarded to the other player

5. If it stays in the game continues

6. Play to 5 points then change players

Coaching Points:

1. Stay in line w ith the ball

2. Lock the ankle

3. Contact with the laces


1. R – Ball is not allowed to bounce

2. P – Players can put pressure on players with light physical presence

3. R – Make the target area bigger

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme (814)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme (814)
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Main Theme (814) (15 mins)


1. 30 x 20 yard area set up as shown

2. 8 players set up as shown

3. 1 ball per attacker (additional around the outside)


1. The first attackers dribble out to the m annequin

2. Once the player reaches the marker they turn back to the goal, dribble away and then shoot

3. Attacker then jogs through the gate on the side of the goal, collects their ball and rejoins the line

4. Play for 2 minutes then rest

Coaching Points:

1. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper

2. Head down at the point of contact

3. Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

4. Contact Foot – Laces (Instep)

5. Follow through landing on striking foot

6. Follow in for rebounds


1. P – Players run out to mannequin and the ball is passed to them from the next player in line

2. R – Bring mannequins closer to goal

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1 (811)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 1 (811)
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Main Theme 1 (811) (15 mins)


1. Penalty area set up as shown

2. 7 players (6 Attackers, 1 Goalkeeper) set up as shown

3. 6 balls


1. Attackers split into two lines of three

2. First attacker dribbles out and around the cone, then shoots on goal

3. Players then join the back of the line on the opposite side to work both feet

Coaching Points:

1. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper

2. Non-kicking foot placed to side, slightly behind the ball

3. Ankle locked, toe down

4. Contact Foot – Laces (Instep)

5. Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact


1. P – Players from each line go at the sam e tim e to add a sm all am ount of traffic

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2 (812)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2 (812)
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Main Theme 2 (812) (15 mins)


1. Penalty area set up as shown

2. 7 players (6 Attackers, 1 Goalkeeper) set up as shown

3. 12 Balls (Additional at start point)


1. Player A starts the exercise by playing into player B

2. Player B then plays across to C who shoots on goal

3. Player A and B follow their passes and C joins the back of the line

4. Play for set time lim it

Coaching Points:

1. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper

2. Head down at the point of contact

3. Ankle locked, toe down

4. Contact Foot – Laces


1. P – Player B sprints across to put pressure on player C when shooting

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game (824)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game (824)
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Conditioned Game (824) (15 mins)


1. 40 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2. 12 players, 2 teams of 6 set up as shown

3. 1 ball (Additional around the outside


1. Two teams, 6v6

2. Divide the field in half

3. 5 v 1 in each half, players must stay in their own half of the field

4. 5 attackers in each half attempt to score from their own half

5. The lone team mate in the other half has one touch to score or unlimited touches to pass the ball backwards

Coaching Points:

1. Head up to observe the position of the goalkeeper

2. Head down at the point of contact

3. Ankle locked, toe down

4. Contact Foot – Laces (Instep)

5. Body weight forward chest and knee over the ball at contact


1. P – 3 vs. 2 in each half

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