Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): finishing ball coming towards you

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Jeyson Ayala

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Jeyson Ayala
Name: Jeyson Ayala
City: copiague
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up
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Warm-Up (15 mins)


-Two pugg goals with a halfway line and two squares with a ball in each.


-In two lines the players sprint to the ball in the box infront of them and dribble down around the goal opposite of them

-As they come around the goal they dribble down and shoot at the pugg goal on the same side that they started 1 point

Coaching Points:

-Head up as we dribble

-What different kinds of finishing are there? Try them

-Point your plant foot where you want it to go and swing straight.


Three points if the score from behind the halfway line

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing on goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Finishing on goal
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Finishing on goal (25 mins)

Organization: 5 Manaquins or small set up of cones. Three lines of players. 1 Big goal.


-First player in line in the most left line goes first. Dribbles toward the first dummie and does a move around him and finishes into the goal

-Immediately following the shot that player turns around and checks for the middle player who passes into him and does a give and go around the dummie in front of the middle line. Once recieved a pass, the player shoots on goal.

-After that shot is taken the same player turns and gets a pass from the furthest right and allows that attacker to run in behind the dummie and recieve a pass from the middle player and crosses the ball first time into the box where the first two attackers of the sequence are running into to finish.

-Rotate lines

Coaching Points:

-Clear defenant moves even though it is on a dummie

-Read the keeper, what finish is best?

-Strong accurate passes on the gorund

-No hesitation, go for it


you can switch which end starts so you can get finishes in from the left side as well

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2/2v1/1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2/2v1/1v1
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3v2/2v1/1v1 (20 mins)

Organization: Large grid, big goal with a goalie and two lines of defenders with three lines of attackers on the opposite side. With two counter attack goals for the defenders.


-Play begins with the center person of the three attackers (blue) going towards big goal against two defenders (red)

-The moment one attacker takes a shot on goal (whether he makes or misses it) the keeper immediatly grabs a ball and feeds it out to the two defenders and they go 2v1 to the counterattack goals against the attacker that shot on goal.

-Once one of the defenders shoot on the mini goals the defender then grabs a ball and it is 1v1 to the big goal (Blue vs. Red)

-When the 1v1 is dead the activity starts again (3v2)

Coaching Points:

-What part of our foot should we use for which finsih?

-Can we transition quickly?

-Can we anticipate where the ball will be and finish first time

-Let's throw some combinations into this?! (from SDP)



Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game
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Game (25 mins)


18 to the half, full width. 5v5 with keepers


-Full game but they get an extra point for a first time finish.

Coaching Points:

-Do not hesitate, go for it

-Strong accurate passing along the gorund

-Can we combine all 5 of you field players into making a goal?

-Read the defenders to see what must be done to get by them.


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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button