Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Defending 1v1

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Mohamed Nosarka

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Mohamed Nosarka
Name: Mohamed Nosarka
City: Oakville
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Technical defending skills session, focusing on preventing the ball carrier from turning and when to press to win the ball.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: 3v3

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Game: 3v3
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Game: 3v3 (20 mins)

  • Organization
  • 10 x 15 yard playing area
  • 4 goals - 2 on each end
  • 9 players - 3 teams of 3 players each
  • Pinnies
  • Cones


  • Begin with two teams playing one another while the third team waits outside the playing area.
  • The first team to score within two minutes stay on the field to play the team in waiting. If neither team score within 2 minutes, the coach stops the game and calls one of the teams off.
  • When a team scores, they keep possession and immediately play the other way while the two teams transition on and off the field.
  • Player can only score within the last 5 yards of the pitch.

Coaching Emphasis

  • Approach of the first defender when pressing - angle of approach, speed of approach
  • Body position when defending against the ball carrier facing their own goal
  • Positioning of second defenders relative to opposition

Additional Coaching Information

  • With less than 9 players, game should be 4v4 instead.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - 1v1
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Defending - 1v1 (20 mins)


  • Split the 10x15 field into 4 equal sized fields
  • goals


  • The ball carrier begins facing away from goal and the defender a few yards back
  • The defender actively defends as soon as the ball carrier touches the ball
  • The defender switches with the attacker every 2 minutes and change the 1v1 partnership after 4 minutes


  • The two attackers decide which way they want to attack at the beginning of each attack

Coaching Emphasis

  • Angle of approach - defender finds the ball carriers weak side and forces them to that side
  • Speed of approach to prevent turns
  • Eye on the ball and maintaining appropriate distance
  • Patience and waiting for correct moment to tackle

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final game - 5v5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Final game - 5v5
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Final game - 5v5 (20 mins)


  • 15 x 20 playing area
  • Pinnies
  • Cones
  • 5v5
  • 2 goals at each end
  • Play 5v5, using regular FIFA laws of the game. Throw-ins preferred. Ball carrier may pass or dribble when playing out from the back. Instead of corners, team in possession gets a throw-in anywhere they choose in the final third.
  • Give defenders incentive to win possession in opposing team's half e.g. 2 points for scoring after winning possession in opposing team's half, a point if they win possession before opposing team completes 5 passes.

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