Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): U11 Dribbling/Penetration

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Pro-Club: The Football Association of Hong Kong, China

Samuel Bensley

Profile Summary

Samuel Bensley
Name: Samuel Bensley
City: Kowloon
Country: Hong Kong
Membership: Clerical Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Floor Plan

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Floor Plan
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Floor Plan

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm Up
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Warm Up (20 mins)


12x12m square marked using 4 cones. Pole / cone placed in the centre. Up to 8 players involved. On coach's command, both 'A' players go at the same time and perform mirror moves. 'B' players then go. Repeat.


* Improve execution of dribbling moves

* Encourage creativity and own thought process


* Use both feet

* Aggressive and creative

* Slow down to speed up

* Good execution of the move


* Vary the moves being used

* Add semi/full opposition


* Players have a ball each


* Accuracy

* Use your body

* Think about speed

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training 1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training 1
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Training 1 (20 mins)


20x10m area with a 5m scoring zone. 3 goals placed as pictured. Attacker tries to beat the defender 1v1. After attacking, the player becomes the defender immediately and should be ready for the next attack. The original defender must sprint out from the pitch. If the defender recovers the ball, he can counter attack to the single goal.


* Improve execution of dribbling moves under pressure

* Encourage use of body feints and movements to beat the defender

* Observe players' ability to be creative


* Identify where the defender is vs the free space

* Use of feints and body movements - timing and execution

* Attack the space when it is available

* Good execution of dribbling moves - distance


* 7 seconds to score

* Coach serves the ball


* Attackers start with the ball


* Attack with aggression

* Use your body to fool the defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training 2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Training 2
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Training 2 (20 mins)


25x15m area with two 3m scoring zones. 4 goal game. A passes to B. C comes on to the pitch as soon as B controls the ball. 1v1 game. After the game finishes (goal/ball out/foul), next C will pass to D who plays against A. After completing one round, the players move from the other position in their team (i.e. A to B or B to A)


* Improve first touch to set up a chance to penetrate by dribbling

* Improve timing and execution of dribbling moves

* Allow creativity


* Identify where the defender is vs the free space

* Use of feints and body movements - timing and execution

* Attack the space when it is available

* Good execution of dribbling moves - distance


* B attacker must make a feint movement before receiving a pass

* Both players must sprint out of the pitch when the game finishes (can add some exercises for them to do, too)

* Have two games going at once as soon as the players understand the rotation


* A attacker should pass slightly ahead of B attacker to allow them to run on to the ball


* First touch in front

* Attack with aggression

* Use your body to fool the defender

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG
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SSG (20 mins)


25x20m pitch. 3v3. Score in the goal or by penetrating over the end line. 4 min games.


* Observe the players' ability during SSGs

* Encourage players to dribble more and avoid making too many passes

* Improve attacking transition


* Rapid response to transition - immediately looking to score

* Confidence to try dribble moves during SSGs


* Nutmeg wins the game or is worth double/triple points

* Add a shooting zone if players keep trying to score from far out


* Normal match-play


* Can you go forward?

* Try a new move

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