Futsal Session (Junior): Delivery Group - Breaking Lines FUT 13/03 (Start Time: 2024-03-12 13:15:00)

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Bloomsbury Football
Name: Bloomsbury Football
City: London
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Futsal
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Combination options to cut and break defensive lines to receive beyond marker

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up/Murder ball

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up/Murder ball
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Warm-Up/Murder ball (20 mins)

WARM-UP (20 mins): Activation + Dynamics then into Murder Ball

  • Activation & Dynamics led by coach for 5-6 minutes to start with then into Murder Ball.
  • 4v4 in the middle of the court with extra 2 players on either side of the court as restart points.
  • Label each of the players on the side of the court a number 1-4.
  • When ball goes out of play, coach calls a number and the player matched with that number plays the ball back into the team whose ball it was on the restart.
  • Players inside the court are locked in with a player on the opposition team (can only tackle each other).
  • Aim is to score down the attacking end.


  • How can we best hurt the opposition team? - By getting away/beyond opposition marker to receive behind and score.
  • Engaging opposition defender before playing will make it easier for you to get beyond marker.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TECH - Passing Patterns

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): TECH - Passing Patterns
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TECH - Passing Patterns (15 mins)

TECH (15 mins): Passing Patterns with Mannequins

  • Patterns to work: Diagonal, Parallel, 1-2
  • Ball starts with fix who will play wide and make their movement before receiving back into the space to end with a shot.


  • DIAGONAL - mix up receiving into safe carry before cutting inside and just touching straight inside to create passing line for diagonal. Explain the moments for either.
  • DIAGONAL - It is a pass to move onto, needs to be weighted correctly.
  • PARALLEL - Technique of the flick of the parallel pass (and why - opponent will likely stick a foot out to try block the pass, flick puts it over the defenders foot).
  • PARALLEL - Keep the pass wide to be away from any covering defender.
  • 1-2 - Check back but also in closer to the winger to create passing line around the corner for the 1-2.
  • 1-2 - Play off two touches to secure ball but also gives time for winger to check back if they can’t get beyond for 1-2.

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): POS - 2v2 + 1v1

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): POS - 2v2 + 1v1
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POS - 2v2 + 1v1 (15 mins)

POSITIONING GAME (10 mins): 2v2 + 1v1 (can either do half on half off at once or run two courts at the same time)

  • Bring one goal into 2/3 of the court.
  • 3v3 game but with locked in lanes, 2v2 on one side and 1v1 on the court side.
  • If the ball goes out of play, team whose ball it is restarts from their keeper.


  • The lanes present different challenges for the attacking space, can they identify which movements they can do on which side of the court (can only parallel on one side of the court etc.)
  • Can attacker engage defender before attacking the space in behind.
  • Receiving work - how do we use our first touch? Are we attacking space straight away or receiving into safe-carry etc. 
  • How does pressure on the ball affect movement? eg. Do I need to support with block instead of attacking space for diagonal

Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): PROG - 3v3

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Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): PROG - 3v3
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PROG - 3v3 (15 mins)

PROGRESSION: 3v3 (can either do half on half off at once or run two courts at the same time)

  • Goal still at same height as 2v2 + 1v1, lane removed now so is an open 3v3 game.
  • Same rules - if ball goes out restart from attacking team’s keeper etc.


  • Can attacker try to engage defender before attacking the back shoulder.
  • How does pressure on the ball affect movement? eg. Do I need to support with block instead of attacking space for diagonal
  • How does defender's body shape affect space available? - When to go parallel, when to go diagonal etc.
  • Receiving - when should I use touch to find passing line vs use touch to create time for myself (safe-carry)

  • Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open Game

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    Futsal Session Plan Drill (Colour): Open Game
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    Open Game (20 mins)

    GAME (20 mins):

    • 5-minute games for the remainder of the session with drinks break in between
    • Get teams to press out of possession to create moments to break lines and look to attack space in behind

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