Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Dribbiling - 2v1 Into 3v2

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Shane Coyne Continental FC

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Shane Coyne Continental FC
Name: Shane Coyne Continental FC
City: Philadelphia
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 To Goal - Side Pressure

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 To Goal - Side Pressure
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1v1 To Goal - Side Pressure (15 mins)


Extended penalty box as shown, one full size goal


Two teams - one attacking, one defending. The attacking team starts with the ball. At the same time the attacking player and the defender must dribble/run through their own box. The attacking player strying to score on goal. As soon as a shot is taken or the play breaks down a new sttack starts immediately. Play for a set period then change roles.


- Change the side players attack from

Coaching Points

- Accelerate out of the box as quickly as possible, keeping close control of the ball

- Use body to shield/protect the ball, use furthest foot from the defender

- Can cut accross defender (as shown) using their momentum agaist them

- Composed finishing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 To Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1 To Goal
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2v1 To Goal (20 mins)


Extended penalty box, one full size goal


Player A (white) starts with the ball and passes into player B, who checks back to recieve. Defender (black) comes out to make a 2v1 to goal.


- Change roles & starting positions

- Set up from opposite side

Coaching Points

- Timing of movement back to recieve (player B)

- Positive first touch, attacking the space/defender immediately

- Movement and support run/position (player A)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 To Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 To Goal
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3v2 To Goal (20 mins)


Extended penalty box, one full size goal


Player A (white) starts with the ball and passes into player B, on either side. The defenders (black) comes out to make a 3v2 to goal.


- Change roles & starting positions

Coaching Points

- Positive first touch, attacking the space/defender immediately (player B)

- Keep the ball central where possible to maximize options

- Movement and support run/position (player A)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 Transition Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2 Transition Game
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3v2 Transition Game (20 mins)


Two 20x30 areas, 4 mini goals


Two teams of 5 play 3v2 in each half of the field. Two servers play on the outside. Ball starts with a server who plays to one of the 2 players (white) players. The 3 (black) defenders must quickly retreat to the semi circle and allow the pass. The attacking player then plays across to the other half where it's a 3v2. The attackers must combine and score in one of the two mini goals. As soon as the play breaks down or a goal is scored the play is restared from a server.


1) Start with the 3 players retreating, no tackle. If a goal is scored and they are not all in the semi circle it's worth double.

2) Lift restrictions - can intercept and attack

Coaching Points

- Reorganize quickly when ball is lost of out of play

- 3 advanced players should create width and check in to show for the ball off the 2

- Movement, runs off the ball and switch of play

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