Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Possession Games (Traditional Progression)

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David Vaughan

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David Vaughan
Name: David Vaughan
City: Denver
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm-up Activity

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Possession Warm-up Activity
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Possession Warm-up Activity (15 mins)

2v1 Keepaway

- Each game is no more than 30 seconds with same defender in the middle

- If ball is won, player who turned it over (poor pass, reception, or from defensive tackle) is in the middle

- Encourage players to stay within a small (no more than 10x10 yds) unmarked area

Coaching Points:

1. Know when to dribble, when to pass (read pressure of defender)

2. Movement off the ball

3. Positive first touch into space

4. Fakes and feints to stretch and lose the defender

5. Communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Two-Team Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Two-Team Possession Game
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Two-Team Possession Game (20 mins)

Two-Team Possession Game

Divide players into two teams with equal numbers. Work on aspects of team possession, keeping the ball as long as possible. If defenders win the ball, they serve to opposite grid for their team to play, trying to keep it as long as possible. If the ball goes out of bounds, possession is awarded to the proper team by the coach serving in new ball to keep the game active.


1. Play short-interval games for time (3-5 minutes) where team in possession wins the game

2. Scoring is based on the number of consecutive and uninterrupted passes a team can make

3. Scoring is based on the number of times a team in possession can split any two defenders

4. Every time a point is scored (regardless of your method) add another defender to increase challenge to team in possession

5. Use either a free service for defender once ball is one, then progress to active pressure

6. "New" defending team cannot enter opposite grid before the ball crosses the line, but they can try to intercept the service

7. Add touch restriction for any team having too much success

Coaching Points:

1. Know when to dribble, when to pass (read pressure of defender)

2. Movement off the ball

3. Positive first touch into space

4. Fakes and feints to stretch and lose the defender

5. Communication

6. Angles of support and team shape

7. Transition to attack and defense

8. High target(s) on opposite side to keep field stretched early

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Three-Team Possession Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Three-Team Possession Game
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Three-Team Possession Game (20 mins)

Three-Team Possession Game

Divide players into three teams with equal numbers (can be done as 2v2v2 up to 6v6v6 with older players on a larger field). Work on aspects of team possession, keeping the ball as long as possible from the defending team. If defenders win the ball, they serve to the group of attackers who did not turn the ball over, and then join that attacking team.


1. Play short-interval games for time (3-5 minutes) where scoring takes place by the number of times a defending team wins the ball (two teams will lose)

2. Timed game where scoring is based on the number of consecutive and uninterrupted passes two attacking teams can make against one defending team

3. Timed game where scoring is based on the number of times the teams in possession can split any two members of the defending team

4. Free-flowing active game where player who loses the ball for their attacking group puts that group in as the new defending group (transition). Team left in the middle as the defending team when time expires loses the game

5. Have the player responsible for losing the ball do an extra sprint around off-field cone or flag before they are allowed to defend with their group to teach defending in small numbers

6. Add touch restriction for any group of teams having too much success

Coaching Points:

1. Know when to dribble, when to pass (read pressure of defender)

2. Movement off the ball

3. Positive first touch into space

4. Fakes and feints to stretch and lose the defender

5. Communication

6. Angles of support and team shape

7. Transition to attack and defense

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Game
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Small-Sided Game (20 mins)

Small-Sided Game - adjust size for your age and number of players; scoring can be line soccer, to targets, or including goalkeepers (add offside rule)

To encourage greater possession:

1. Minimum number of passess before going to goal

2. Keep the ball for set amount of time before going to goal

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