Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): First touch Warm up

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Shaun Hamill
Name: Shaun Hamill
City: Bradford
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): First Touch Warm up

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): First Touch Warm up
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First Touch Warm up

First touch Warm up.

This looks like a reasonable easy session but it is extremely physical.



Balls (1 per player)

     Set up

3 players per pole is ideal but can be done with 2 or 4 if odd numbers. 2 players holding ball 1 player receiving.

Players with ball feed ball to the player for 1 minute (90 sec max) and then rotate to next player.

This is all about first touch so work different parts

  • Throw to feet - one touch return
  • Throw to thigh - 2 touch return
  • Throw to Chest - 2 touch return
  • Throw to head - 1 touch return
     Coaching pointsReceiving players need to be on their toes to be able to react quicklyJudge the throw do you need to move in or out for best receiving positionHow much weight/power do you need to put on the returnthink about what part of the foot (inside), thigh (mid), chest (Breast) or head (forehead) is appropriateAdapt, if the throw is not right can you still react and deal with it? 


Throwers can retreat to a Throw in distance and it can be adapted to work receiving of proper throw in's.

Again this should be ideally to feet, game realistic but the odd chest or head would be beneficial.

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