Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Preseason conditioning - Speed Endurance (extensive) (Start Time: 2017-07-26 18:00:00)

Profile Summary

James Grant
Name: James Grant
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gym and pitch re-warm.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gym and pitch re-warm.
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Gym and pitch re-warm. (5 mins)

Gym based work. (15 mins each group from 5pm).

1. Overhead Squat (dowel) - 4 count down. 3 x 5

2. Eccentric Press up - 3 x 5 (technical failure?)

3. Nordics (eccentric only - 3 x 4.

Knee tag (15x10y):

two players face each other and attempt to tap each other legs between knee and hip. Rapid foot and hip movement. 4 x 15 secs. Change partners every round (no rest). 5 mins.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Endurance 1.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Endurance 1.
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Speed Endurance 1. (10 mins)

Field Based Conditioning.

U14s - 6-6.30pm. U16s - 7-7.30pm.

SPend 1.

Acceleration and 1v1 dual - finishing.

Two teams (bibbed) split evening between cones 1 and 2.

Cone 1.

30 yard sprint to coach who plays a ball for a first time shot.

Cone 2.

15 yard snake run to coach who feeds the ball for a dribble to shot

After both actions - players must recovery jog behind the goals to the back of the next line. Limit standing time.

Players must run through both start point twice. x2.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Endurance 2. (def)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Speed Endurance 2. (def)
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Speed Endurance 2. (def) (10 mins)

Field Based Conditioning.

U14s - 6-6.30pm. U16s - 7-7.30pm.

SPend 2.

Acceleration and 1v1 dual - finishing.

Same distances.

same speed work, but players face each other at cone 1 and back to golal at cone 2.


coach at cone 1. plays the ball from hands. Player must strike to goal in 3secs

coach at cone two feeds ball and then first to the ball has a one v one against a defender (use gk) finishing into a small goal.

Recovery run behind goal to back of line.

Players must run through both start point twice. x2.

Maximal speed between cone and ball

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