Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Simple ball control

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Paul Morrison

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Paul Morrison
Name: Paul Morrison
City: warrington
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): simple ball control drills

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): simple ball control drills
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simple ball control drills (20 mins)

Session Objective:To develop ball control


(1) In threes .One player A serves to B receiving first and C behind mannekin.A serves to B who volleys ball back,moves sideways and backwards behind mannekin.C moves in front of mannekin and process continues.Rotate server after a while.Vary requirements of player receiving ball:

Volley,two volleys same foot,two volleys weaker foot,volley each foot.chest and volley,chest,knee and volley,chest ,head and return, ,chest ,head and volley...list of combinations endless.

(2)Ball at each end. In threes but player B plays return to A and then spins to receive from C.Rotate players.List of variations endless as before.eEphasize quality of control rather thqan speed.

(3)Repeat but with ball on floor.various combinations.

(4) 4 players on outside,each with ball.Players move and play required aerial control to receive then play ball back and move to other player.As before,rotate players and vary contriol required.

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