Football/Soccer Session (Difficult): Goalkeeper communication standard(Theo Tsouroupakis)

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Adrien Moufflet
Name: Adrien Moufflet
City: Montreal
Country: Canada
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Communication words & zones

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Communication words & zones
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Communication words & zones

Primary commands (red zone)

Keeper!: GK is coming to attempt to gather or clear ball. He should get to ball first.

Away!: GK is dropping back to position & commanding the ball be cleared to safety.

Play here!/Joue ici!: GK is offering himself as an option to a player who might be in trouble.GK can also visually show if he wants the ball played left or right side as well as calling right or left

Step!: GK is commanding a player to close down the ball carrier in order to prevent a shot on goal.

Get Organized!?Organizer vous!: If team displays instances of confusion, it is important to remind players to Get Organized and regain Shape, Position and Intensity to win possession.

Secondary commands (yellow zone)

Turn!: GK is telling player, no opponent is behind him & he can turn with the ball

Man on!: GK is telling player he is being closed down by opponent

Get up!: GK is commanding team to get upfield following offensive transition

Time!: GK is telling player he has time once he receives ball & that he doesn't need to rush

Slide!/Glisser!: GK is asking team to slide as a unit in order to stay organized and on the side of the field where the ball is

Squeeze!/Serrer!: Team is in a defensive transition, GK is asking team to get more compact.

- Be loud clear & precise.

- Do not repeat the command 5 times in the same effort.

-Tone of their voice must be louder & more urgent in red zone versus yellow zone.

-Commands must be called as early as possible (must be able to read information given by the play and be preventative in their analysis)

-For commands PLAY HERE & STEP encourage GK to put the player's name before the command.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keeper (Cross)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keeper (Cross)
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Keeper (Cross)

-A cross landing in and around the 6 yard box is a situation where the gk decides to come & attempt to gather a high ball.(Anything in the 6 yard box MUST be attempted by the gk)

- A KEEPER call is made early. When the keeper judges the trajectory of the ball and takes 1st step forward, this is the moment he calls keeper.

-An early communication allows the defenders to react quickly to the gk's command therefore giving them a better chance to succesfully defend.

-At this moment the defensive responsibilities change for the defending team. They must now prevent the attackers from advancing towards the goal in order to allow the gk the space to come & gather as comfortably as possible.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keeper (Ball behind back 4)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Keeper (Ball behind back 4)
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Keeper (Ball behind back 4)

-Example of GK using Keeper call when he's actively defending the space behind his back 4. He calls keeper as he approaches the through ball to clear it to safety or to pass to a teamate & maintain posession.

-As the GK reads/analyzes this information and takes action, there should be a command urging un-marked players to get wide before contact with the ball is made (pending on the level of pressure being faced by the GK). If a direct pass is available, the aim should always be to keep possession, if not then skip a line. Remember, it is always safety first.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Away (Cross)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Away (Cross)
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Away (Cross)

-A cross landing around the penalty spot will often be judged by the gk as a cross to leave for the defenders to deal with. In which case the gk will drop back towards his goal while calling AWAY!

-An early AWAY! call allows the defenders to react & focus on getting to the ball first to clear it to safety

-If the defender is able to clear the ball, the subsequent command from the GK needs to urge players to Step and raise the line of confrontation.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play here (Defender in trouble)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Play here (Defender in trouble)
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Play here (Defender in trouble)

-Example of CB facing his goal with ball at his feet & opponent on his back.

GK takes information , calls play here! early, receives & plays ball to FB on the side where we have space & can attack.

-As the GK reads/analyzes this information and takes action, there should be a command urging un-marked players to get wide before contact with the ball is made (pending on the level of pressure being faced by the GK). If a direct pass is available, the aim should always be to keep possession, if not then skip a line. GK should play as quick as possible to not allow opponent to get organized. Playing 1 touch is encouraged depending on age & ability.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step (Ball carrier dribbling towards top of box)

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Step (Ball carrier dribbling towards top of box)
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Step (Ball carrier dribbling towards top of box)

-Example of opponent dribbling ball into the red's defensive third in a central position towards the top of the box.

-Allowing players the opportunity to take several touches in these spaces will surely result to attempts on goal.

-GK recognizes danger & calls Step! to his CB who in turn quickly closes space to prevent shot.

-GK must be able to read information given by the play and be preventative in their analysis, try to read the errors as early as possible to stop the opponents progression towards your goal.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slide

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Slide
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-Example of ball being switched sides from opponents.

-GK calls Slide! in order for team to stay organized and get over to the other side of the field in order to maintain a good defensive shape and not allow the opponent to progress towards our goal.

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