Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): 4v2 to 3v2 to 4v2.

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Pro-Club: FAI - Coach Education

David McCarthy

Profile Summary

David McCarthy
Name: David McCarthy
City: Castleisland
Country: Ireland
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 to 3v2 to 4v2.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 4v2 to 3v2 to 4v2.
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4v2 to 3v2 to 4v2. (10 mins)


Playing area 20 x 30 ft.

Divided into 3 zones.

The player in black is for example only there is only one player in black in drill.

This player is the floating player and plays in whatever zone the ball is in, making it a 4v2 in the outer zones, and 3v2 in the central zone.

Two target players in this example yellow are placed at each end of the playing area.

The play begins with a target player at one of the end lines.

The objective is for one of the teams to get the ball safely thru the zones and into the target player at the opposite end.

The floating player is with whatever team has the ball and is the only player move areas.

All players including floater in zone ball is in must get a touch to be able move area.

Each phase starts with a yellow target player from knock outs or missed passes.

Once a goal is scored the same team can attack the other end again.

Coaching Points:

Here we have the rondo going thru three different stages.

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