Namit Desphande
Name: | Namit Desphande |
City: | Mount Laurel |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
The 2011G Pre-ECNL Regionals introduction to building out of the back in a back four and pressing in a 4-3-3.
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Building Out of the Back 7v5 + 1 into 7v6 + 1
Red team is working to build out from their goal all the way to the 2 mini goals at the half line. Blue team is attempting to press to win the ball and score on the big goal. The neutral in pink is acting like a target player (#9) when the red team has possession and a CDM (#6) when the blue team has the ball. Play FIFA rules if the ball goes out of bounds.
4 - 4 min rounds:
RD1 and RD2 : 7v5
RD1 and RD2: 7v6 - add a midfielder for blue
Primary Coaching Points (Construction):
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
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Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Play 1 (30 mins)
Over The River (5v5+5)
3 teams of 5 players placed in 3 seperate zones. The two teams in the far zone attempt to connect a certain number of passes and play through the middle channel on the ground for a point. The middle team is trying to press to win the ball and score in any of the three goals for points. Big goal is worth 3 pts and small goals are worth 2pts. If they score they are no longer in the middle and the team who got scored on switches with them. You can play this with or without goalies.
3 - 6 min rounds
RD1: 3 passes before playing over + 2 defenders go in
RD2: 3 passes before playing over + 3 touch rule + 3 defenders go in
RD3: 5 passes before playing over + 3 defenders go in
Primary Coaching Points (Construction):
- Team shape should look like a back four plus a holding mid when in possession as shown above
- CDM (pivot player) supporting the ball
- Emphasis on spreading the zone when in possession
- Quick combination play
- Head UP so you can BREAK LINES of pressure
- First touch, body shape, checking shoulders and communication
Secondary Coaching Points (Disrupt):