Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): passing 2

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Reseller-Club: Premier Users' Club

Keith Buckley

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Keith Buckley
Name: Keith Buckley
City: Winter Park
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing, Combination play and Scoring

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing, Combination play and Scoring
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Passing, Combination play and Scoring


15 x 10 Yards, small goals positioned at each end.

2 attackers vs 2 defenders

As have the ball and play 2 v 2, one defender drops off to cover goal and support to create a 2 v 1. Objective of game is to score.

If Ds gain possession they become As and opponents must drop one player back to create 2 v 1


Roles will change frequently in amongst flow of the game


-D still drops off but cannot use hands as a GK

-Combine groups to create 4 v 4 situations


Passing, movement and combination play to create space and release extra player.

Quality of passing and pass selection

Individual shielding and dribbling skills

Decision Making, when to pass, where to pass, what pass

Effective individual defending

Ds looking to play as unit

U9 – the players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes in unoppossed

U10 – The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pressure

U11 –The players should be able to complete the Learning outcomes with increased pressure and increased speed.

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