Robert fleming
Name: | Robert fleming |
City: | Sydney |
Country: | Australia |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
Session designed to improve the mid block within the 523 formation and understand the differing duties of the defending team and their roles.
- Ideally we would have enough for 11v11 - however if not then modify the end game according to numbers, however ensure that the front 3 and 2 CDM remain intact as this session is primarily focused upon those players
- Other sessions can all be altered depening on the number of players
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- set up as many as grids as what required for player numbers
- ball is worked across to player C who then goes through the skill circuit and joins the back of the line A
- rotation is always A to B to C to D (and through)
First Progression:
- Players A and B play a one two with each other and player A passes to Player C
- Done to get the players moving and comfortbale to make sure we can build the tempo without injury
Second Progression:
- Player A now looks to pass directly to Player C
- Player B aims to intercept /block the pass
- If Player B wins then they play to Player C and continue rotation
- Question player C what do they need to do to be able to receive?
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- Directional rondo (depending on numbers the end players can be replaced with goals and /or inclusion of a joker for the middle.
- Team in possession look to progress the ball end to end to score
- defensive team must take a 2:3 shape replicating the 6,8,7,9,10 from game shape
- in possession you can play anyway
- Side neutral players cannot be tackled but are restricted to 3 touches and cannot play neutral to neutral
- including a central square located between the CDM and CF to replicate the natural space this shape creates. If attacking team play a pass into the area and then out before playing to target player then worth double points
- Side neutral players can be pressed, however, no restriction on touches (still cannot pas neutral to neutral)
Coaching Points:
Player Tasks (Coaching Cues)
- Can front three position themselves to to stop balls centrally and force the ball into outside areas (When ball with deepest players then apply pressure cover balance to make sure that play is forced wide)
- Outside players when the ball has been played into outside zones can you stop forward passes (When ball is played into outside areas then ball side wide player moves across - using cover shadow to block inside pass. Non ball side moves centrally to give cover **defend in one vertical grid of ball when wide**
- Back two players can you work together to deny passes into the target player (As ball is circulated work together to make sure that central passing lane to target player is not on. Ball side player more advanced than non ball side to give cover /balance
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- Attack v Defence session
- 11 v 10
- Ball starts with the White team who then look to attack and score within the big goal
- Red team look to stay compact and deny whites the ability to build up. When the opportunity arises to press (see previous pressing triggers) then they press and aim to score within one of the 4 mini goals
- Central area highlighted which should the Whites combine within before scoring doubles any goals scored
- Restarts from coaches playing into one of the back 4 for the whites (see progression)
- Ball can be restarted at any time with the coach calling out a colour (see outside channels) coach then passes to the first White to get there - Reds cannot tackle until first touch of White - used to replicate switches of play and exploit the weak point within the shape to make sure that we are sliding and dropping as a unit
Coaching Points:
Player Tasks (Coaching Cues)
- can the players use common language to organise shifts and pressing (slide, up, back, press, on me - aka setting defensive line - Q. to players who talks to who?)
- can the 3 CB organise themselves so that should a ball be played down the side of them then cover can be provided (when ball in wider areas then CB positions a yd or 2 deeper than L/R CB to follow run into channel - L/RCB then recovers centrally)
- CDM position themselves to ensure that balls cannot be passed through both lines of the attack and midfield (CDM arrange themselves within the gaps of the front line maintaining vertical and horizontal distancing to reduce ability to play through - see green linking lines between players - this always allows a minimum of two players to press on any opposition player receiving between them)
- Can CF force the opposition to one side within their build up using their body /cover shadow (when the CB have the ball then CF passive presses angling on the inside shoulder of the CB using cover shadow to limit ball into pivot) Seconday Player Task to ballside 7 /10 (when 9 presses then position within a cover position - narrow and deeper)
- 6 /8 can you position yourselves to deny central balls into the central area but be close enough to apply pressures on any player receiving beyond the first line (when ball is centrally then ballside 6/8 slightly more advanced to enable pressure higher up with the non ballside close enough to stop pass breaking their line)
- Ballside 6/8 and 7/10 should a pass break the first line can you provide immediate pressure to deny further forward pass (if pass breaks the first line then closest 6/8 presses player with 7/10 applying blindside pressure with aim to force the ball back, or, sideways) Secondary Player Task to non ballside 6/8 can you anticpate a lateral pass by oppositon body shape and be able to arrive at the same time as the ball on receiving player if possible.
- Ballside 7/10 if the ball is passed out to the fullback can you provide pressure on the ball and track the run of that player should they carry forward. If this occurs 9 can you stop ball going back to CB and non ballside 7/10 drop a little deeper to deter switch of play
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In an 8v8 format then would remove 1 CB and both wingbacks from the Reds (session really focused on CB, CDM and Att) and both fullbacks and a pivot from the Whites - compress the pitch
Sides have differing actions for the game.
Game is split into 2 halves and the teams change roles /formations at half time
Central key area (which we need to protect) is highlighted and should White team play in and out with passes and a goal result then it is worth double
L.O.E = Line of Engagement
White Team: Play within a 4231 and are free to play and press wherever they want. No restrictions
Red: 3421 defending within a 523 formation. Reds must drop below the line of engagament at any dead ball situation, or, if the White keeper has the ball in their possession. This is so that we maximise game time within the worked up scenario
Look to record this game to build further sessions on
Area looking in particular:
- maintaining defensive shape
- protecting the central area of the pitch
- how the wide areas are covered by wider strikers
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- split the groups into two teams
- compete against one another to score as many goals as possible in time frame
- Ball starts with GK who passes to whites
- White aim to score within 3 passes
- Red cannot press beyond the green line and must work together to stop passes into the mini goals
- If red intercept then they counter attack
- If White score, or, miss the target then the coach plays a ball into the reds who attack
Red - intercept and score is worth 2 goals
Red - Score from coach restart is 1 goal
White - Worth one point for a goal and they are used as tie breakers
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Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Opportunity - Team Shape
What: Focus on play will be to a high intense pressing team, however, need to have a defensive block /rest defence for when pressing is either not an option or appropriate.
Who: Primarily - 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 Secondary 2,3,4,5,11
Where: Middle Third
When: When pressing is not available owing to distances required, or, when team need to rest
Why: Key area which can cause problems
- central progression allowed
- front three don't work together to force play wide
- 7 and 10 don't track their runners
- 6 and 8 not working to compliment one another and too far from each other
- distances between the central 5
- Vertical compactness too great
- not reacting to ball bypassing lanes to deny players turning