Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Change of Direction - Deception

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Christian Galvan

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Christian Galvan
Name: Christian Galvan
City: valley stream
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combat Training.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Combat Training.
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Combat Training.

Combat Training.


4x4 grids

2 per grid.


1) First activity (A vs B)

- Take away the tail. Within the grid one player must protect player for 1 min. A player tries to take it away at B's tail. If player steps out of grid or loses tail, point to the A. Switch after a min.

2) Second Activity.

- Player now has the ball. A would have on foot on the ball. B has to knock off A off the ball by pushing with one hand. If B knocks A out point is awarded. Play for one min then switch turns. Player with the ball can not move the ball and must maintain balance and keep ball still. He can push back to protect himself.

3) Third Activity

- Same as above but Player with the ball can move the ball to stay balance but the foot can still not get off the ball. So he can move around grid and stay inside while keep one foot on the ball without switch. Other player is still trying to push but can now use both hands.

To give players comfort with body contact. Work hard to keep yourself in the game.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme
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Main Theme


20x10 gribs side by side.

4 players per group.


In first activity.

1) Players are dribbling sideline to sideline as shown performing a specific turn. Working on Xavi Turns.

- Inside cut

- Outside cut

- Outside spin

- Inside spin

Players go next when player is finishing second turn.

2) In second activity, players are perform quick turns in a tighter space. Dribble to the middle center and turning away quickly. Pattern can be changed for a different scene.

3) In third acticity. players dribble down the line and turn twice then pass across and follow pass to continue.

Coaching Points:

Ball/Body control; Deception/Creativity; Moves/Turns; First touch; Passing Quality; Change of speeds; Awareness


Next page.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2 SO - FO

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Main Theme 2 SO - FO
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Main Theme 2 SO - FO

Organization: 10x20 grids with cones spread every 5 yards. 3-5 players per grid.

Instructions: 1.) Player B passes into Player A and applies passive pressure. A takes his first touch either left or right and drives at the orange corner cone. As he arrives, he performs a turn and then immediately accelerates to the opposite orange cone and performs another turn. After the second turn he pushes the ball beyond the defender and drives at the middle orange cone, at which he performs a move. After the move he passes into Player C and the same exact process continues going the other direction. Player B becomes player A, A will become C, C will become B. 2.) Player B passes into Player A who takes a touch either towards the Red or Blue cone. A is trying to create a passing lane into C. Player B can only move along the middle orange line and is attempting to block all passing lanes. A uses turns/moves in an attempt to create space and find an open lane to pass through. If the pass can not be completed by the time A arrives at the middle line, Player B will alow A to perform a move and dribble beyond him, although no point is awarded. A would then pass to C and process continues going the other way.

Coaching Points: Ball/Body control; Deception/Creativity; Moves/Turns; First touch; Passing Quality; Change of speeds; Awareness

Progressions: Allow defender to move forwards but unable to tackle/steal, just block.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game2

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game2
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Conditioned Game2


30x30 Grid with four 5x5 boxes, one in each corner.


Play 4v4 (Could make it 6v6 depending on ability). Score by dribbling the ball into any of the four boxes. Once you score into one box, you can not attempt to score in that box consecutively.

Coaching Points: Change of direction; Spacing; Awarness; Technique; Communication; Speed of Play; Weight/Accuracy of Passing; Turning Ability; Protect the ball

Progressions: Add more players; Can only score in opposite boxes

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match
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Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):

Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen

Back/Forward: Drag timeline button