Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Technical:Tactical - Conditioning & Attacking Principles - Group

Profile Summary

Jose Manuel Figueira
Name: Jose Manuel Figueira
City: Auckland
Country: New Zealand
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part I: Condition/Technical/Possession

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part I: Condition/Technical/Possession
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Part I: Condition/Technical/Possession (15 mins)


- 20 x 30 area set up as shown

- x4 smaller 12 x 12 areas in each corner set up as shown

- 16 Players (split into 4x groups of 4)

- 4 Mini Goals set up shown

- Multiple balls in each area (additional around outside)


- Players are split into two colors & then into 4 even groups of four players (Yellows & Red)

- Each player is also given a number. Each team (Yellow & Red) will be numbered 1 to 8

- Each group starts in an activity corner & plays for a duration of 3mins

- During that time the coach calls out random numbers & serves a ball into the mini game field

- Players whose numbers are called out must react & run into playing area for a SSG (see diagram)

- Teams can score in any goal after 3 passes. Game continues until a goal is scored, when all players must return to their group/corner

- After 3mins all activity stops & groups move anti clockwise to next corner.

- Players are encouraged to use this time for dynamic movements/activation exercises and/or water

- On coaches signal play resumes & is repeated

Coaching Points

A = 3v1 possession. Attackers aim to play a pass to team mate through diamond to score.

B = Ball Mastery. Players have freedom to move around the area using different dribbling techniques avioding the cones

C = 3v1 possession. Attackers aim to play pass to team mate through any gate to score. Ball cannot touch cone

D = Football Tennis. Players can make their own rules of play

- In zones A & C the same defender stays in for the duration of time. Rotates out in next zone

- During the mini game the rest of the players continue with their corner activity


P - Make the mini game directional. Assign specifc ends of goal for each team

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part II: Condition/Technical - Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part II: Condition/Technical - Finishing
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Part II: Condition/Technical - Finishing (10 mins)


- Penalty box set up as shown

- Speed Poles & Agility Hurdles set up as shown

- 1 Full Size Goal set up as shown

- 8-10 Players (8 Attackers & 1 Goalkeeper)

- 1 Ball (additional with coach who acts as server)


- Players are split into two even groups & set up either side of the penalty box as shown

- Coach stands centrally outside of the box & acts as a server

- One players from each side (left group first) moves over & through the Poles/Hurdles, around target cones before receiving pass from coach

- Attacking player looks to receive the pass & finish into goal. Two touch maximum

- As soon as Attacker receives the pass, player from other group (right) can begin

- After shooting Attacker must sprint through gate (blue cones) on opposite side of penalty box before joining that group

Coaching Points

- Movement: Quickness & balance when traveling through hurdles & poles. Move with a purpose!

- Awareness: Keep head up while moving toward server. Be alert & ready to receive the ball

- Receiving: Adjust feet & body to set up next action quickly (shot)

- Finishing: Whats the picture? Use of various finishing techniques to score. Position of Goalkeeper?


P - Make it a competition. First team to score 10 wins. Swap sides & repeat

P - Vary the serves into the Attacker, ground & air

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part III: Condition/Tactical - Finishing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part III: Condition/Tactical - Finishing
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Part III: Condition/Tactical - Finishing (15 mins)


- Half pitch set up as shown (penalty box x2)

- Speed Poles & Agility Hurdles set up as shown

- 8-10 Players (2 Teams - Yellow vs Red & 2 Goalkeepers)

- 2 Full Size Goals set up as shown

- 1 Ball (additional with Goalkeepers)


- Players are split into two even teams (Red & Yellow) & are set up to the side of goals

- One Goalkeeper is assigned to each team. On Goalkeepers command (Red team) one Attacker from each team moves through Poles/Hurdles before receiving from goalkeeper or defending (see diagram)

- Attacking player receives ball from Goalkeeper & can only score over half way line

- The other player attempts to win the ball back/deny shot. If successful can score at opposite end

- As soon as play is over Goalkeeper from opposite team starts the practice again

- Activity repeats & scores are kept

Coaching Points

- Movement: Quickness & balance when traveling through hurdles & poles. Move with a purpose!

- Awareness: Keep head up while moving toward server. Be alert & ready to receive the ball

- Receiving: Adjust feet & body to set up next action quickly (shot or protection)

- Dribbling: Awareness of Defenders positions. 1v1 attacking tactics & soloutions??

- Finishing: Whats the picture? Use of various finishing techniques to score. Position of Goalkeeper?


P - Coach now serves the ball into area for 1v1. Vary the height, angle & type of serve

P - Attackers have a time limit to score

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part IV: Tactical SSG

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Part IV: Tactical SSG
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Part IV: Tactical SSG (20 mins)


- Half pitch set up as shown

- 3 Playing Zones set up as shown

- 2 Full Size Goals set up as shown

- 12 Players (5 Attackers, 5 Defenders & 2 Goalkeepers)

- 1 Ball (additional on outside)


- Players are split into two even teams (Red vs Yellow) with each team assigning one player as a Defender/Support player

- Teams play a 4v4 possession game inside middle playing zone, with 1 Defender/Support player in each zone either side

- Attacking team can use their Defender/Support player to relieve pressure who can only play two touch

- Attacking team aims to make 4 consecutive passes before releasing team mate into attacking zone. Once in Attacking zone Defender of opposite team becomes active & players play 1v1 (see diagram)

- Defender of opposite team must stand still while opposition has the ball. Can only move once player is released into Attacking Zone

- If goal is scored of ball is lost out of area, players return to original positions & goalkeeper serves ball to the defender/support player of team that was last defending

- If Attacking team scored goal they regain possession again from their goalkeeper

Coaching Points

- Possession: Play with purpose. Circulation of the ball to maintain possession & unbalance opposition

- Penertration: Timing & weight of "Killer Pass". Connection between players!

- 1v1 Tactics: Awareness of Defenders position. Can you shoot early? If not, unbalance Defender

- Finishing: Whats the picture? Use of various finishing techniques to score. Position of Goalkeeper?


P - Team mate can support in Attacking Zone creating a 2v1. Attackers have time limit to score

P - Players allowed to dribble into Attacking Zone. Creating more attacks & transitions

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