Football/Soccer Session (Moderate): Montgomery 03G - Receiving to Shoot, Pass, or Dribble - Week 1 Session 2

Profile Summary

Chris Kuciemba
Name: Chris Kuciemba
City: Montgomery
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Street Soccer/Water Break 12min

Receive, Change Direction 10min

2v1, Cross and Finish/Water Break 15min

3v2, 4v2 to Goal/Water Break 23min

8v8 Game 15 min

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receive, Change Direction with Speed and Shoot

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Receive, Change Direction with Speed and Shoot
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Receive, Change Direction with Speed and Shoot (10 mins)

Players pass ball to attacker. Passing player now becomes defender. Attacker receives and dribbles ball with speed through gate and takes shot. Players switch lines and change roles. Continuos play.


1.Players can pressure attacker once they take first touch.

2.Players can pressure the attacker once they pass ball.

3.Split into teams and make competition.

Coaching Points:

1.Body shape.

2.Heel down, toe up to receive. Do not bring your foot to the ball, cushion the ball.

3.Small positive first touch to control and then bigger touch with outside or inside to drive ball with speed to the gate.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1, Cross and Finish

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 2v1, Cross and Finish
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2v1, Cross and Finish (15 mins)

Player passes ball into 1st attacker and now becomes defender. 1st attacker receives and passes away from pressure to high, wide target player (RM). This creates a 2v1 situation.


1.RM can go directly to go with 2v1.

2.RM must dribble towards end line and pass or cross ball across goal for 1st attacker to finish.

Coaching Points:

1.Positive first touch when receiving, heel down and toe up with Forward foot.

2.Quality of pass and cross.

3.Quality of finish.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2, 4v2 to Goal

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 3v2, 4v2 to Goal
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3v2, 4v2 to Goal (20 mins)

Half field. Two Pugg goals for defense to score in. Player passes ball to far end, creating a 3v2. Attackers already have 1 high target (F) that can play into and create a possible up, back, and through in front of goal. Play is continuous. The defenders and attackers rotate, Forward should be positional.


Add another attacker, CM, creating 4v2 for more success.

Coaching Points:

1.Quality of passing and receiving (good body shape, forward foot, positive first touch, etc.).

2.Decsion of when, where, and why to pass.

3.Can I Score? Explode through shots and land onto striking foot.

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