Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Westfield - Passing

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Pro-Club: RBNY Academy Inc

Archived Sessions

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Archived Sessions
Name: Archived Sessions
City: Livingston
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gate Passing

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Gate Passing
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Gate Passing (20 mins)

Players are in groups of two. Large grid set up with random cone gates throughout the area. The partner dribble around and then complete a pass through the gate. Go for a set time and give points for every gate passed through.

Coaching Points:

Passing Mechanics

Toes up, lcok ankle, supporting foot pointing at target, chest over the ball.

Receiving mechanics

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Technical
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Technical (10 mins)


1. Gates of cones 2 yards apart as shown

2. 2 players per soccer ball

3. Players are 20 yds. apart, 10 yds away from middle gate


1. 2 players will play against each other and try to score more passes through their gate in the alotted time

2. 1 point is scored for every successful pass to a partner through the gate

3 Play for 2 minutes. Make it Tournament style: Player who won moves up a game towards the top; and player who lost moves down a game)

4. Players across from one another can also play as a team and combine points to vs. other teammates

Coaching Points:

1. Non-kicking foot placed on the side of the ball pointing at the target

2. Head up observe target

3. Working on inside-push pass: use inside surface of kicking foot, heel down, toe up

4. Strike through the middle of the ball

5. Follow through the pass to target with passing foot

6. Weight and accuracy of Pass


P1- Create a longer distance to pass

P2- Force players to take a first touch into space before passing

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Oppossed

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Oppossed
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Oppossed (20 mins)


1. Area as shown (15 yds from gates to goal)

2. Two grids of 6 players (Right & Left side)


1. Blue player plays ball and runs around - between goals ready to defend.

2. Red player takes 1st touch through gates.and plays to teammate.

3. PLayer continues pattern and players play 2v1 to goals

4. If Blue player wins ball, he/she must pass to teammate on blue cone to recieve pt..

5. When play is over, Red players go to opposite line.

6. Switch Roles after 2 min.

Coaching Points:

1. Body position (Sideways on)

2. Open door (hip)

3. Let the ball travel to far foot.

4. Cushion on contact in direction of next decision

5. Importance of playing ball to far foot.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Conditioned Game
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Conditioned Game (20 mins)


1.50 x 30 yard area set up as shown

2.12 players (5 Attackers, 5 Defenders, 2 Targets)

3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)


1.Teams score by getting the ball to their target player in the end zone

2.The target player must control the ball in the end zone to score the point

3.Once point is scored the target player must play out to the other team

4.Target players are not allowed outside the end zone

5.Defenders are not allowed inside the end zone

6.If the ball goes out, play is started with a kick in

Coaching Points:

1.Angle of approach

2.Head up to observe your target

3.Specific Technique

4.Weight and accuracy of pass

5.Disguise your pass


P – Two touch

R – Make the target area bigger (10 yards deep)

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small Sided Games
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Small Sided Games (15 mins)

Small Sided Games

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