Simon Nee
Name: | Simon Nee |
City: | New York |
Country: | United States of America |
Membership: | Adult Member |
Sport: | Football/Soccer |
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1.20 x 15 yard area setup as shown
2.4 players (2 Attackers, 2 Defenders) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Defending player starts with the ball
2.Defending player passes into the attacking player
3.The attacking player moves out to receive the ball and attempt to beat the defender and dribble through one of the two scoring gates situated on the defenders end line
4.Defending player becomes active on the attackers first touch and attempts to win the ball
5.Players rotate roles after each attempt
6.Award points for successful attempts and keep score
Coaching Points:
1.Deny penetration
2.Speed of approach
3.Angle of approach, force player on to weak side
4.Correct moments to tackle
5.Faint to tackle to force a mistake
6.Tackling techniques
P - If the defender wins the ball they now can score by dribbling through attacker’s scoring gates
R - Defending players become active on their pass
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1.Half field set up as shown
2.12 players (1 Goalkeeper, 5 Defenders, 6 Attackers) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.Attacking central midfield player starts the activity from the middle of the field by passing the ball out wide to either wide attacker
2.On the wide attacker’s first touch the defending player becomes active
3.The attacking player must attempt to beat the outside defending player before shooting or crossing
4.The wide attacking player has one central attacking player as a target if they choose to cross
5.If any defending player wins the ball they attempt to pass the ball through the counter goals
6.The activity is restarted by the central midfielder with a new wide attacking player
7.Rotate players after a set time limit
Coaching Points:
1.Speed of approach
2.Angle of approach, force player on to weak side
3.Correct moments to tackle
4.Feint to tackle to force a mistake
5.Tackling techniques
6.Transition to attack
P – Allow attacking wide player the opportunity to combine with central players for a 2v1
R – Take away central striker so that central defending player can provide cover
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1.Half Field set up as shown
2.12 players (5 Attackers, 5 Defenders, 2 Goalkeepers) set up as shown
3.2 balls (Additional around the outside)
1.Attacking players are divided 2’s and 3’s on either side of the field
2.Attacking players start between the counter goals marked out with flags
3.Attacking players attempt to beat the defending player and score in the goal
4.No rebounds are allowed to ensure the activity flows
5.On the attackers first touch the defender becomes active
6.After each attempt the attacker moves to the opposite side of the field and awaits their next attempt
7.If the defending player wins the ball they attempt to pass this back between the counter goals
8.Each attempt ends with a shot from the attacker or pass from the defender
9.Rotate players after a set time period
Coaching Points:
1.Deny penetration
2.Speed of approach
3.Angle of approach, force player on to weak side
4.Correct moments to tackle
5.Feint to tackle to force a mistake
6.Tackling techniques
P – Bring starting position closer to the goal to add more pressure for defending player to win the ball
R – Increase starting distance to allow time for defenders to recover
See the guidance at the top of this page to understand why you are not seeing interactive Football/Soccer images.
1.40 x 25 yard area set up as shown
2.6 players (2 Teams of 3) set up as shown
3.1 ball (Additional around the outside)
1.The game always starts with a pass from the goalkeeper
2.The player that receives the ball plays 1v1 against their opponent to goal
3.The other two players remain inactive until the game restarts
4.If the ball leaves the area the game is restarted with the oppositions goalkeeper
5.The goalkeeper should look to pass to the best placed forward
Coaching Points:
1.Deny penetration
2.Speed of approach
3.Angle of approach, forces player on to weak side
4.Correct moments to tackle
5.Tackling techniques
6.Transition to attack
P – Play 2v2 and allow players to combine
R – Allow 2nd defender to be active to provide cover
© Copyright 2022 Sport Session Planner Ltd.
Developed with Partnership Developers, a division of Kyosei Systems.
Animation Controls (PCs, Macs, Laptops):
Play animation
Play step-by-step
Repeat (toggle)
Full Screen
Back/Forward: Drag timeline button
Warm Up
1.12 players
2.Players work in pairs, set up as shown
3.1 ball per pair
1.Players work in groups of two
2.Passing the ball to each other
3.When one of the players stops the ball with the sole of their foot the other player must close that side down, e.g. when stopped with the right foot the pressing angle is from the right (thus forcing attacker to use their left)
4.Pressing player then returns to their starting position the group start to pass again
Coaching Points:
1.Speed of approach
2.Angle of approach
P – Introduce techniques of tackling, once the ball is stopped the player pressing now tackles the stationary ball