Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Pass and Move

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Austin Nyquist

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Austin Nyquist
Name: Austin Nyquist
City: Monroe
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Pass and Move
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Pass and Move

Organization: 7 Players; 10x20 grid. Cones markerd out as shown.

Instructions: 1.) Pass and move. You always follow your pass. A plays long to B and takes B's spot, B plays into C (B could have also played D, it's his choice), C to D, D to E. Start to ask players such as C and D to check away before receiving; Everyone take your first touch towards your target you want to pass to 2.) Find the Open Man. A starts with a ball at his feet. B, C, D, and E are positioned inside the field with C and E having a ball. The activity is started by A finding the first person who is open, in this case B. So, A plays B, then moves forwards and gets an angled pass from C, A receives and takes a few dribbles and passes to D, A moves forwards again and receives from E and then plays into F where it starts again but with new people to pass to (F to E, E to F, F to C, F to G)

Coaching Points: Movment after pass; Movement to receive; Awareness; Angles/Distances; First touch; Weight/Accuracy of pass

Progressions: 1.) Apply pressure to receiver after every pass; Play a series of 1-2 combinations; 1 touch

2.) 1 touch; Diagonal Ball: 2 balls only. F and A both have a ball to start. Work to the right first so A plays B and F plays D. B and D turn out and play long diagonal to A and F who have moved into B and D's spots. A and F receive and play into the next person in line at the top. Same preogression now going Left.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1
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Organization: 20x20 square. 1v1 in the middle.

Instructions: Two players play 1v1 in the middle with the objective to pass out to any bumper and get the ball back for a point. Games are 1 minute long.

Coaching Points: Passing technique; Movement to receive; Type of pass; Communication; Deception; Awareness; Speed of play

Progressions: Limit touches for both inside and outside players; Can't play the same side twice in a row

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1
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Organization: 20x20 square. 1v1 in the middle.

Instructions: As before but now players only play their own teammates.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 with overload.

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 1v1 with overload.
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1v1 with overload.

Organization: 20x20 square. 1v1 in the middle.

Instructions: 1v1 in the middle. Everytime you play out to a teammate that play may now enter the field creating an overload. First touch must be positive back into the square. First team to get all their players in wins.

Coaching Points: Passing technique; First touch; Support for the ball; Movment to open up space; Awareness; Speed of play

Progressions: 2 touch; 1 touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6 Balls

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): 6 Balls
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6 Balls

Organization: 20x20.

Instructions: 5 attackers, 2 defenders. Coach plays a ball into the attacking team. This triggers two defenders who are trying to kick the ball out of play or steal the ball. Everytime the ball is out of play the coach plays a new ball in. The goal for the defending team is to get through all six balls in the quickest time. If the defenders steal the ball and pass to the coach, it's worth 2 balls. If they steal the ball and connect 5 passes together, it's worth 3 balls. Play 3 rounds and then switch roles.

Coaching Points: Make the field big; Passing technique; Reaction to each pass; Communication; Type of pass (feet/space)

Progressions: 2 touch; 1 touch

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blackjack

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Blackjack
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Organization: 30x30 square. 5v5.

Instructions: Players play 5v5 possession in the middle with every completed pass counting as a point. They do not have to be consecutive. First team to 21 total passes wins.

Coaching Points: Movement to receive; Awareness; Passing technique; Commnication; Speed of play; Team shape

Progressions: 2 touch; Only 1 touch passes count for points

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Offset Goals

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Offset Goals
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Offset Goals

Organization: 30x45. 5v5.

Instructions: Play 5v5 with two corner goals with GK and two corner gates. Dribble through gate for 1 point, score in the goal for 3 points. First to 10 wins.

Coaching Points: passing to move defenders; use of space; Decision making; Take what the game gives; Good Supporting angles/distances

Progressions: Free play, normal game.

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