Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): Defending (SWFC U13s)

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Steve Haslam

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Steve Haslam
Name: Steve Haslam
City: Sheffield
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up - ball mastery

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm up - ball mastery
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Warm up - ball mastery

Each player has a ball and performs ball manipulation moves/feints/turns under the direction of the coach

Focus is on executing the move/feint/turn with both feet and with disguise and acceleration

e.g. stepover, outside hook,

Ball juggling exercises to provide periods of active recovery, using various parts of the body

e.g. feet only, around the world etc

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing technique exercise

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Passing technique exercise
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Passing technique exercise

The aim is to improve on the players' passing abilities with both feet over a range of distances and with a static and moving ball

The practice involves 2 players in each box, who transfer the ball into the other box using a variety of techniques under the direction of the coach

e.g. driven pass, lofted pass, swerved pass with instep/outside of foot

Scoring system

1 point goes to the opposition for a pass which can't be received by the players in the opposite box

e.g. first team to gain 5 points wins before another skill is attempted

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - pressurising

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending - pressurising
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Defending - pressurising


3 teams of 5 player, with 1 team defending and 2 teams keeping possession. The defending team send 2 players into one of the boxes and attempt to win the ball back/clear the ball out of the box. The attacking teams keep possession and look to make 10 passes before transferring to the other box. If the ball is successfully transferred, 2 new defenders enter the area whilst the other defenders recover to the start position.


Defenders can start in the middle zone and look to block passes to the other box.

Scoring system

The game is played for a set time and the defending team score a point for every time they successfully win the ball. Each team has an opportunity to defend, the team with the lowest score loses the game.

Key Points

Speed/angle of pressure, body position, support/cover - angles and distances, communication,

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a 7v7 conditioned game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a 7v7 conditioned game
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Defending in a 7v7 conditioned game


2 teams of 7, the blue team has the GK and looks to keep possession whilst the red team attemots to win the ball back and score in any of the 4 goals.

Scoring system

Blue team scores a goal if it has make 10 consecutive passes, red team scores by regaining the ball and scoring in any of the 4 goals.

Play for a set time and then the teams change roles.

Key Points

Quick reactions to losing/regaining the ball and to play re-starting, pressure/delay, angle/distances, support/cover, communication

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a small sided game

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Defending in a small sided game
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Defending in a small sided game


Blue team line up in a 3-3-1 formation and look to score by dribbling the ball through the cones beyond the half-way line. Red team line-up in a 2-3-2 formation and attack the goal.

Practice starts by a red defender over-hitting a pass which runs through to the GK, and then the blue team play out.

Coach the red team to defend effectively.

Progress by allowing free play once defensive principles have been established and allow players to change roles.

Key Points

Starting positions, press/delay, angles/distances, support/cover, make play predictable, communication

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