Football/Soccer Session (Academy Sessions): SSG - Counter attack - 5v5

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Michael Fox

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Michael Fox
Name: Michael Fox
City: Peterborough
Country: United Kingdom
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - Counter attack - 5v5

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): SSG - Counter attack - 5v5
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SSG - Counter attack - 5v5 (20 mins)

SSG - Counter attacking

Teams are 5v5 with 2 players that have to stay in their slected half. The 2 players highlighted in the image above have the ability to go in either half. Once the ball is transferred into the attacking half the Magic Men must make a forward run to support the attackers to try and take advantage of the 3 v 2 before the recovering magic man of the other team comes back to defend.

- Could add a delay for the defending teams Magic man to recover allowing the other team a few seconds to try and take advantage of the overload. ( 5-10 Secs - Judge on the night & team )

Speed of thought and action is essential for successful counter attacks. It's vital that counter attacking teams use the few seconds that they have before the opponents can reorganize into their defensive shape.

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