Football/Soccer Session (Beginner): USL Skills Training - Passing and Receiving

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Frank Schodowski
Name: Frank Schodowski
City: Sterling Heights
Country: United States of America
Membership: Adult Member
Sport: Football/Soccer
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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up - Freeze Tag

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Warm-Up - Freeze Tag
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Warm-Up - Freeze Tag (15 mins)

Warm-Up: Freeze Tag


Inside of your grid, players will dribble ther ball around trying to avoid taggers (1-2 players without a ball). Players who get 'tagged' are 'FROZEN' and are required to hold the ball above their head and spread their legs wide apart. A teammate can 'UNFREEZE' frozen player by passing a ball through their legs.

Play about four to five 1 minute games changing taggers each game. If the tagger(s) freeze all of the players - they win.

Coaching Points:

Encourage players to use the inside of their foot to gain accuracy

Heel down - Toe up, knee bent.

Plant foot should be placed next to the ball and pointing towards their target.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Activity - Passing Through Gates

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Small-Sided Activity - Passing Through Gates
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Small-Sided Activity - Passing Through Gates (15 mins)


Place gates randomly (1 gate per 2 players) around your training area.

Players partner up across from each other passing through the gates.

1st Activity:

2 touch passing through the gates using the inside surface of the foot.

2nd Activity:

1 touch passing through the gates using the inside surface of the foot.

3rd Activity:

Pass outside of the gates and take first touch to the other end - pass across to teammate - repeat. (do not pass through gates - but on the outside of them). Use multiple surfaces (inside/outside).

4th Activity:

Have players see how many gates they can pass through. Moving throughout the grid passing through various gates.

Make each activity a competition to see who can get the post passes in a set-time (30 sec - 1 min, etc)

Coaching Points:

Activity 1: Plant foot next to the ball - pointing to your target. Open your hips. Heel Down, Toe Up when striking and receiving the ball. Keep your ankle locked.

Activity 2: Strike the ball in the middle (not below or above the mid-line) to ensure it stays on the ground. Follow through keeping your knee bent through the process. Have ready feet to receive

Activity 3: Open hips to take your first receiving touch to the other side of the gate.

VARIATIONS: Switch partners after each activity.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Activity - Keep Away

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Expanded Activity - Keep Away
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Expanded Activity - Keep Away (15 mins)


Split your grid in 1/2 with cones. Divide your players in half and have them play 4v1 or 5v1 keep-away inside of each grid. Have one player in the 'middle' wear a scrimmage vest.


5 Consecutive passes gets a point for the passing team. Defender gets a point by winning the ball and dribbling and stopping the ball on any of the 4 lines. First team/player to 4 points ends the game and a new defender goes in the middle.

Coaching Points:

Players should be constantly moving to create good passing lanes and angles.

Take your first touch to safety.

dribbling is encouraged only if a passing option is not available.

Play balls on the ground as much as possible.

Use two touch when possible.

Play for 15 minutes.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match Play - Variation

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Match Play - Variation
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Match Play - Variation (15 mins)

Match-Play - passing variation


Place 3 cones outside of each end-line with a soccer ball sitting on top of each of them.


Play 3v3, 4v4, or 5v5 inside of the grid. The team that knocks all three of their opponents balls off the cones wins the match.

Coaching Points:

Players should use their passing skills to improve accuracy to knock off balls (not shoot at them!). Same coaching points as above.

Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Variation for U6-U8 Activity ATOMIC BOMB

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Football/Soccer Session Plan Drill (Colour): Fun Variation for U6-U8 Activity ATOMIC BOMB
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Fun Variation for U6-U8 Activity ATOMIC BOMB (15 mins)



Create a sqaure using 4 cones just big enough to ensure your players can successfully make a pass across it with good pace and weight.

Teams are divided into 4 groups each standing on their own line of the square.

Let each team pick their favorite country TEAM NAME.

Every player should have a ball at their feet to start the game.

One ball is placed in the middle of the square and is designated the ATOMIC BOMB!

The Game:

When coach yells 'GO' players will use their balls to try and hit the ATOMIC BOMB ball so it moves to away from them and on or across another 'country's' line. When the ATOMIC BOMB BALL hits a line - that country who is standing on that line is eliminated. The eliminated country stays on their line - but chooses to become new teammates with an existing country who has yet been eliminated. (for example - if the atomic bomb ball touches Spain's line - Spain is eliminated and the group of players can then choose to be on USA, Germany, or Brazil (while still standing on their old line). The last country standing who has not 'BLOWN UP' is the winner!

Coaches and players can shag balls as they get passed through the square and replay them.

Coaching Points:

Use the inside of the foot and follow through to drive the ball with accuracy.

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